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Sunhee sat up and realised no one was home. Her face showed boredom as now she was really hungry. She thought she would go downstairs and eat by the garden but as she arrived at the kitchen, she could hear rain pouring outside. The girl took a deep breath before taking someone's hoodie that was folded on the couch and wore it. It was really cold. For some reason she felt empty. What was even supposed to be in her head right now ?

Right, food.

Sunhee dragged herself to the kitchen and saw that there was already a plate of food, wrapped in cling wrap with a note on it.

Heat it up when you're hungry, we'll be back after 1 am.
- jay

Sunhee took off the cling wrap and placed the plate in the microwave and zoned out for a while, looking out at the gloomy weather. The 'ting' from the microwave popped up as she took the plate out and decided to eat by the window, enjoying the sound of the rain. Her stomach hurts for a while while eating her meal. Maybe it was just because she was hungry.

The girl placed the plate in the sink and went back upstairs to her room to have a shower. Sunhee passed by the infirmary and remembered her small talks and laughs with Sunghoon. A small smile appeared on her face. She can't deny that she actually liked him but now it was a different type of liking. It was better if she just kept quiet.

After that shower, she was playing a game on the phone, still feeling the pain in her stomach. It felt worse after a few hours so she laid down properly and tried to catch some sleep. The rain really made her moody and empty as there was no bickering and yellings in the house. How did she go through this when she was alone most of the time at home ?


It was past midnight and Sunhee woke up. She had been sleeping for the whole day, not putting her body to any use. Sunhee teared up slightly as her lower stomach felt like it was being poke with large needles. A faint scent of iron could be smelled. Sunhee sniffed, trying to find out what it was. It definitely smelled like blood. Were they back already ?

Sunhee stood up from the bed, immediately regretting it as now she could see blood dripping from the bed and down her legs. "Fuck.." Sunhee quickly grabbed a towel and ran for the bathroom which was in Heeseung's room. Droplets of blood could be spotted as now she really couldn't do anything about it.

Right as she locked the door behind her, the members just came back through the main door, immediately calling for Sunhee as they put away their things. "Sunhee ? Are you sleeping- Wait." Jungwon said as he went up the stairs to see droplets of blood. "Why ?" Jake asked before also seeing the blood on the floor. They looked at each other, terrified and quickly ran to SUnhee's room, confusing the others as they joined.

"FUCK IT'S EMPTY !!" Now all the members were yelling out for Sunhee as they opened the doors to every room. Heeseung stopped in front of his room to see it was wide open but the bathroom light was on. "Guys !! Over here !" He yelled out as he slowly went in, knocking on the door as he heard weeping.

"Sunhee ?" He called out once again. "What happened ?!" The rest came into the room, worried. A soft mumbled could be heard from the inside, everyone now sighing in relief as they realised that Sunhee was just on her period. "W-wait, then we need to buy..." Sunoo said quietly as he blushed. 

"I'm not going-" Before Ni-Ki could finish Jay had already dragged him downstairs and into the car. Heeeung went into their group chat and started slurring, even listing things that Jay had to get. Apparently, he used to have a 'girlfriend' before joining the group. But he wasn't the only one. Jake too, before he moved here.


Sunhee apparently did not dress well and thought it was a good idea to open the window and let cold air in, also giving her a small fever. Sunghoon scolded her for that but she didn't even hear it. "Ah, seriously. You could've called someone !! I- We were so worried about you !" Sunghoon said before cutting his words slightly, feeling flustered as he placed the hot towel on Sunhee's forehead. 

Jay and Ni-Ki came back, all soaked as well, letting the others take care of the things and dinner they bought. Ni-Ki eventually got triggered and left the group chat as he locked himself in his room, working on a few things before he ate dinner. Sunghoon felt bad for leaving Sunhee in the room so everyone ate in her room just to cheer her up a bit.

"And then, Ni-Ki was like, rushing to pay for the things because he was- embarrassed- HAAHAH" They all were laughing, eating fried chicken without Ni-Ki. "Wait, leave some for the maknae, he's doing something downstairs." Jungwon checked his phone and texted Ni-Ki to get upstairs but to see that he left the group chat and bursted out laughing.

"YO- HE'S SULKING !! HE LEFT- HE LEFT THE GROUP CHAT" Everyone checked their phones and Sunoo went downstairs to call the younger. "Wait, let's add Sunhee too." Jake said as Sunhee pulled her given phone out and gave it to Jake. "Done. Now it's easier if you need anything." He said giving the phone back.

"Are you guys gonna be out tomorrow too ?" The girl asked, slurping the last bites of her noodles as she endured the pain. "Yeap. So, I think we'll tell someone to actually take care of you IN the house. By all means, I'm gonna fire some people. They seriously didn't so their job right." Jungwon said as he took another bite of chicken.

Sunhee just stayed quiet as she finished her meal quietly, then only to be startled by Sunoo being chased by Ni-Ki into the room. "YOU GUYS ARE SO MEAN !! LEAVE SOME CHICKEN FOR YOUR HARDWORKING MAKNAE !!" Sunhee laughed. She felt like she could get used to this for the time being, distracting other thoughts from coming in.


Sunhee regretted letting Jake add her into that group chat. She now knows what Ni-K feels like. The girl was one second away from leaving as well but decided to put her phone on sleep mode. She was already tired and wanted to sleep but the notification pings were going on for the whole night.

guess what- the first part of the story was inspired by this pic i took while waiting for my food.

guess what- the first part of the story was inspired by this pic i took while waiting for my food

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yeap, a single picture can speak a thousand words. 

anyways please don't haunt me- i will go and sleep now-

have a wonderful day peeps !!

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