I unzipped my coin pouch and took out a coin. Feeling the energy in my hand I focused on the magnetic repel that allowed me to push the coin into the air. I started to make the coin zip through the air, slicing through like a current. Periodically I added more coins, trying to focus on making them all have equal speed while pushing them in different directions.

I didn't know who I had gotten my quirk from, since I never got to know either of my birth parents. I'd taught myself how to use it, and I smiled remembering the stories Dad told me of when I first manifested my quirk.

*Flashback (Aizawa's POV)*

There was a loud crash from the kitchen.

"Y/n!" I bolted over to see what had happened.

"Dad?" The little girl before me asked shyly. I stared. She was surrounded by pots and pans, all strewn out before her on the ground.

"What happened? Are you hurt?" I went over to her. She was so small, only a toddler.

"I wanted a cup," she pointed up to the open cabinet, where practically everything had fallen out of.

"N/n, how on earth did you reach this stuff?" I sighed crouching down to look into her big watery eyes.

She shrugged and pointed up into the cabinet, where there was still a metal cup. I watched in amazement as the cup started descending from its high spot on the shelf, right into my daughter's hands.

"Bye bye daddy," she laughed with her cup and ran off, leaving me pondering what I had just witnessed.

*Flashback ends (Y/n POV)*

Apparently it took my dad a while to realize that I could control and manipulate metal. At first he thought I could move everything with my mind, but after a few months he made the connection that objects primarily made of metals were the only things being moved. My quirk was magnesis.

"Hey, problem child," my dad called to me in a monotone voice, "Lets get going."

The coins fell into my hand. I smiled, wrapped my scarf tightly around my neck, and stood up to face my dad. I started a breathing pattern. One long breath in, two short breaths out.

"Alright listeners, up first we have the long anticipated match between young y/n and none other than her father, Eraserhead!" Hizashi yelled to a fake audience.

"First person to submit or be incapacitated is the loser! Ready.....Start!"

My dad wasted no time, immediately his eyes turned a bright scarlet and his hair started standing on end. He looked like a cat ready to pounce on a mouse.

I knew this would a be a fight without quirks, I would have to find a way to corner him on my own.

"Don't just stand there y/n," my dad glared at me. Suddenly he lept forward throwing a side kick. I quickly jumped out of the way, my eyes never leaving him. We went on like this for a few more moments, him throwing some offensive moves while I nimbly dodged them.

I noted my dad pant slightly.

"Tired old man?" I asked cockily. I found my advantage. My dad was strong a fast, but no matter how in shape he was he couldn't compete with the stamina of youth. I just had to outlast him.

"I'm just getting started," He lunged out before swiftly unwrapping his scarf from his neck. I ducked and swerved, dancing around him. If I got ensnared in his trap, it was over.

"Two can play at this game," I muttered undoing my own scarf from around my neck. It wasn't as effective without my quirk controlling it, but the sheer strength of it still proved very useful.

What is a hero? Y/n daughter of Aizawa Shota (Reader x Shinso)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora