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"I say we live with each other this month." Pansy said.

"Okay we can live in my old dorm just let me go get my clothes and stuff from our room and you pack your stuff we will unpack together."

"Ok" she said while biting her lip. I walked into our room to see he took down our wedding pictures and already had my stuff in boxes. He emerged from the bathroom.

"Hey." He said.

"Can i have one of our wedding pictures. They help me fall asleep." I said fighting back tears.

"Oh yeah." He pulled one out from his drawer. "I figured you would want to spend as little time with me that you could so I put your stuff into boxes for you."

"Draco I-."

"It's Malfoy until the month is over." He said interrupting me.

"Okay Malfoy I guess I'll see you around." I said while picking up my boxes to carry them out.

"Key" I pulled my key out a slammed it on the table.

"Fuck you."

"Real mature."

"Draco I was ready to start trying for kids again I really hope you know that but not anymore."

"Y/n wait."

"It's y/l/n to you." I said while shutting the door I left and walked into my room to see pansy unpacking.

"Oh y/n I was thinking we share a wardrobe."

"Will it make you unpack faster."

"Impatient are we." She said smiling. I got up and pinned her against the wall and slid my hands up her skirt. I started to rub her clit she started to squirm. Once she started to moan I pushed away from her. I liked pansy she was like a puppy dog she would obey me.

"I'm gonna unpack the bathroom." I said calmly she just stood there and nodded. I had finished the bathroom when pansy finished the clothes we decided to make the bed together. It had been a few weeks there was lots of sex but it was boring but that all changed tonight.



"Oh yeah and there is a party in the Slytherin common room wanna be my date." A idea popped into my head.

"Of course."

Pansy and I walked into the common room looking like a power couple people got out of our way. Pansy was wearing a velvet green mini dress. I was wearing a pair of black ripped jeans a artsy silk oversized button down my hair was straight I had gold accent jewelry on. Most the Malfoys gave me. Draco was staring while Luna lovegood was talking him insane. The weasley boys proposed truth or dare with truth serum. Fred was first.

"Draco truth or dare."


"Okay who is your favorite sexual partner you ever had." He looked at me while pansy was messing with my hair.

"Y/n" he said calmly. "My turn. Y/n truth or dare."

"I'm a open book truth."

"Who do you think of when you go to bed at night." He said with a smirk.

"Snape I wish I got more time to know him." His face dropped. "Expecting me to say you. Okay my turn. Ah Luna truth or dare."


"I dare you to have 7 minutes in heaven with Harry." Draco put his hand on her shoulder.

"I don't think so."

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