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"Looky there y/n I think you broke his nose." Fred said nodding towards Cedric.

"Y/n I'm sorry for last night I was drunk and I treated you like shit." He said then burst out laughing.

"Cedric your on thin ice I'll crucio you."

"You wouldn't." I reached for my wand and Draco stopped me.

"Cedric my mum and dad will speak to the Hogwarts administration and I can have you removed from this school and make it impossible for you to get in another magic school." Draco said calmly.

"That's impossible not one family has that much power." Cedric said flustered.

"No your wrong they have that much power and money don't try me." Cedric was silent.

"Hey girl" pansy said while passing me. I quickly followed her.

"What are you doing tonight."

"Oh nothing yet, are you trying to make plans tonight. I mean it's a little risky with you and Draco being good again."

"I met to study idiot."

"Oh yeah you'll just have to make sure he is busy he hates when people go to other people for homework help."

"I'll make sure he is busy." Draco started to walk over to us and he sat in between us. Fred and George sat on the other side. I stepped on Fred's shoe.

"So Draco we think that you should get your bachelors party considering you never got one. We were thinking we go out of town for the weekend and go get drunk off our asses party with muggle girls and just have loads of fun."

"Count me in. When were you thinking."

"We leave tonight."

"Okay bet."

"Really go party with muggle girls you are actually unbelievable and to think we were good again. Go have fun but don't expect me to be at the manor with you the next few weeks I'm staying in my old dorm." I said angrily.

"A few weeks of peace and quit sounds terrific boys I'm going with you guys." I tore off my necklace and ring and gave them to him.

"You want to go be a slut be my guest but that means I can be one. Damn other peoples hands on my body might have to go speak to Cedric and Harry they'd surely enjoy it." Draco looked at me in shock he took off his ring then gave it to me.

"I think we need a month apart from each other to see what it's like and we will get back together at the end of the month and go back to our life. We can sleep with whom ever for that month."

"Deal." I got up and walked away pansy followed me.

"Your too good a month with you and just you we can do so much I mean that takes us to 2 weeks before Christmas break starts."

"Shove off."

Ahhhh I know I just had to add some variation into it yk add a little spice i hope you liked it very short but

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