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It was Friday we were going back to the manor for the weekend. Draco had been teasing me all week so it was time to give him a taste of his own medicine. When we got into his room I stripped down to nothing and walked into the bathroom and locked the door I drew a bath and took a long bath. When I got out I wrapped Draco's towel and wrapped it around me knowing it would upset him I walked out of the bathroom he was sitting in a chair reading in his black suit. I walked out of the bathroom. He looked up at me. "Is that my towel." I acted stupid looking down at it.

"I guess it is." I walked into my closet which was directly across from where Draco was I "forgot" to shut the closet door and dropped my towel. I bent down to pull on a white floral lace pair of underwear and turned around to see Draco staring I closed the door. I put on a matching bra the pulled on a black lose button up then a pair of blue ripped jeans and a black pair of doc martens. I opened my closet door to see Draco standing there.

"Are you ready for dinner."

"I have to do my hair and makeup."

"I can do your hair."

"You'll straighten it?"

"Yes." As Draco was struggling to straighten my hair I put on makeup he burnt himself. "Shit" he said putting down the straightener.

"Let me see your finger."

"Here." I put my it in my mouth and sucked on it. His breathing hitched.


"Yes." He continued to finished my hair. As he got done I had finished my makeup he moved my hair out of the way and started to kiss my neck.

"Time to go to dinner."

"Fine." He groaned. We walked into the dining room his parents stood up and came and gave me a hug.

"Nice to finally have you back sweetheart."

"Thank you."

"So I made your favorite lasagna and a salad just how you like it there is also garlic bread in the oven it will be done in a few."

"Sounds yummy I'm starving."

"That's good." We were finishing our dinner when Narcissa broke the silence. "So I would like to apologize for what my sister did."

"It's okay."

"No it's not you lost your child. Do you still think about it."

"Every day. When I found out I instantly thought it was a girl. I had thought about names all day. I was on a high. I wanted to name her Marissa. It was my grandmothers name. She was the absolute best. She would make these warm chocolate chip cookies where there was a crust on the edges the middle would be warm and gooey." When I looked up at them and they were smiling.

"You seem to miss her."

"I do a lot."

"If you don't want to have kids for a while I am completely okay with that."

"I do want kids."



"Are you guys trying again." Draco coughed choking on his food.


"What I'm just curious."

"Well we would be but someone is being a cock block." He said so freely at the table.

"Draco." I yelled while hitting him.

"What. They asked and I answered."

"Okay there's a difference in saying not at the moment and she's being a cock block we aren't having sex because you think you can just get whatever you want by just batting your eyelashes I am proving a point."

"Good for you." Narcissa said. Lucris gave her a dirty look.

"That's bullshit." He said

"He called my mother and expected me to be thankful."

"Draco." Narcissa said "I raised you better then that."

"What i was doing a good thing."

"No you were being arrogant." She said while cleaning up the table. Draco and I left to his wing of the house I went and laid on the couch he came and sat by me taking my shoes off.

"You got me in trouble. What will I do with you."

"Oh i don't know but I'm gonna go wash my face off."

"Oh no you don't." He said while throwing me over his shoulder. I let out a laugh. He slapped my ass before throwing me on to the bed. He got on top of me and started to kiss me.

"Draco I really have to go wash my face."

"I'll help." He said while carrying me into the bathroom and gently putting me down on my feet he pulled my hair back to braid it. He started kissing up and down my neck.

"Your making it difficult to do my skincare."

"Act like I'm not here." He said while pulling his suit off.

"Put it back on your taking all my fun."

"Oh your fun."

"Yes my fun." I said while putting on my moisturizer.

"How much longer."

"I'm almost done." I said while putting on my chapstick I shook him off and sprayed my favorite perfume.

"Your done in my book." He carried me into his room and threw me back on the bed. "Look at this pretty body it's all mine."

"No it's not."

"Oh then who's is it."

"It's mine." I said while pushing Draco off of me I went into my closet and pulled on a pair of sweat pants and a over sized tee shirts pulled my hair out of its braid and put it in a messy bun. Draco was on the same page he was asleep when I walked back in he had taken off his shirt and shoes he still had his pants on. I looked at him sleeping peacefully. I crawled into his arms and fell a sleep.

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