
When my dream or well nightmare had reached its peak. When the feelings of pure despair and the thoughts of nothing but negativity had reached its limit.
I was awoken by gentle shaking on my shoulders. I opened my eyes to see Meliodas standing beside my bed with a concerned look on his face. Without saying a word, I sat up and raised a hand to my face. My fingers came across tears that had subconsciously been following down my face while I slept. After clearing up my tears, I looked over at Meliodas. Apparently my face showed that I wanted an explanation of why he was in my room and how he knew something was wrong. He took a few steps back and sat down on a chair that he must of brought with him into my room.

"I knew something was wrong since this morning. When you didn't show up to breakfast, i knew something was wrong. The king told me to wait a few hours maybe. Since you had a very rough day yesterday. So when I came to check on your room, I knew something was up by your voice alone. When I left and came back after half an hour. I found you asleep. I didn't want to wake up since you obviously needed rest. But you only slept for an hour peacefully before you began shaking and crying in your sleep so I had to wake up."
Dang it. He shouldn't of wasted in his time of me. Geez, what's happen to me? It was so easy to hide this feelings before even in my own mind but now it feels like its impossible . But I must, I'm not important enough for people to waste time one.

"Ah. You shouldn't of wasted time on something as silly as this. But I'm alright now so you can continue on your day." The moment his eyes met mine, I could tell he saw through my lies. I was never able to truly lie to him.
"Please... don't lie to me Elizabeth..."

I couldn't bring myself to look at him after that. My eyes began to examine my bed. Though panic shot through me when I noticed something important missing. I immediately started to feel around, to see if it had been hidden under the sheets even throwing the sheets of the bed. My breath started to quicken and tears swelled up in my eyes.
"Elizabeth! Calm down what's wrong?!" I heard the chair move indicating he stood up. I turn to him quickly.

"Where is it?!" I nearly screamed at him. But it only came out as a cracking shout.
"Where's what?"
"Her sword! Where is Christine's sword?" I was becoming desperate at this point. I couldn't of lost it. Please say I didn't lose it. It might be the only thing that I have left of her!

"Elizabeth calm down its safe" Oh thank the goddess clan.
"Where is it?" Meliodas pointed towards the door. Christine's sword was leaning against it. I began to scramble out of my ruined bed. I didn't care about any injuries I had gotten from falling of the bed to hastily making my way to the sword.

Once it was safely in my arms once again, I began to calm down. I honestly thought it was gone forever then. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that happened.

I forgot he was here for a moment.

"We need to talk"


We sat in silence. The sword hadn't left my embrace. I won't let it leave my site again.
"It's obvious now but you aren't as okay as you state. And now I believe that Christine's kidnapping had been the breaking point for the emotions you've been bottling up. But why didn't you tell me anything about this? Even after everything we've been through."

"I didn't want you to waste your time on someone as useless as me." For the first time in a while i spoke completely honestly.
"You're not useless!"

"Don't lie. I'm completely useless, when have I ever done anything useful?"

"Isn't it obvious? Nothing about you is useless and only to name a few. You're healing abilities and you're greatest power of all being able to be there for people, being able to encourage others. Lifting them into your arms so to say."
Is that all? That's so little then what you'd say to any normal person.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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