Chapter 5: Wrong room

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"You were too drunk to tell the difference between the rooms. You came in any fell into the bed immediately, I was still up reading." You let out a sigh of relief.

"Well okay...But where did you sleep?"

"Here." He smirked.


"Here on the couch." Once he said that you felt so bad.

"Oh God I am so sorry." You stood up and moved to sit next to him on the couch. He didn't say anything, he took his eyes off of his book only to give you a nod and then back at it and then a silence followed.

"So are the others up yet?" You finally said.

"Yes they are gone."



"Okay I would like to know more but I really need some coffee first. You want some?"

"You mortals have weird habits."

"No coffee it is." You got out of Loki's room and into the the kitchen.

You entered the kitchen and opened the fridge first, you were starving but there was nothing really there for you, so you decided to just have some coffee and maybe get out later for food. You tried to find a mug in the washing machine but they had all been put in place which was quite the inconveniences since their place was on the top shelf and it was hard for you to reach. So in the end you had two choices; one was to asked Loki for help and two, get up on a chair and do it yourself. Obviously opinion two seemed better at the moment so you grabbed a chair and placed it in front of the kitchen counter, which was not the best since it was not at all stable, but what could go wrong? Even with the chair the shelf was still a little high for you so you had to stand on your toes. You eventually managed to grab a mug but at that moment the chair was shook leading you to drop the mug on the floor and let out a scream as you did so.

The glass of the broken mug was now everyone making you unable to get down since you were not wearing any shoes or so. Could this day get even worse? Suddenly Loki rushed into the kitchen looking pretty worried and shocked seeing you up on a chair and glass all over the floor.

"What the hell happened?" He started walking slowly towards you, watching his steps.

"I wasn't tall enough to get the mug." He was now making room for you to stand on the floor.

"Well, you could've asked for help!" Could you really? He gave you his hand and helped you get down of the unstable chair.

"Well I didn't." You smiled and started picking up the broken pieces of glass.

"You know if anything happens to you Stark will kill me right?"

"Yes but- agh!" A glass made a big cut on your palm and blood started coming out of the wound.

Loki immediately grabbed you and made you sit on a chair examining your hand.

"I'm okay..." You tried to say but it was obviously a lie.

"It's deep. Wait here." He quickly got out of the kitchen only to return a few seconds later with some bandages and some peroxide.

You tried to protest but he held your hand tight and started cleaning the wound with the peroxide. The pain was actually quite bad but not unbearable, you didn't try to fight it back because you knew it was pointless so you just tired to stay as still as possible. Loki seemed pretty good at taking care of wounds and he was very gentle with it. No matter what the other said you knew that he was a very nice guy indeed. After he was done with cleaning your wound, he took the bandage and started wrapping your palm covering almost all of it. The wound kept hurting and the bandage didn't help with that but Loki had told you not to move it and had given you a very intense look when you tried to protest, so you just sat there watching him as he cleaned the rest of the glass and put the chair back on its place. When he was done he started walking out of the kitchen but you stopped him.

In Silence (Book 1) || Loki X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora