Colors and Promises

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Ana- "Noah get outta my face chill"
Henny- "but Ana you just teasing me"
Ana- "It's not like I don't want it, it's not for me"
Henny- "you jus-"
Ana-" Noah I haven't dated anyone every do you think you'll be the first?"
Henny- "it doesn't matter your just so, it's like one second you want me but the next it's different like you had feelings but you just swiped them away like I'm a game"
Ana-"I'm just minding mine like I don't know what to tell you I just don't get down like that"
Henny- "please just tell me you don't like you be real with me Ana"
Henny- "Noah I can-"
Henny-"Ana explain how"
Ana- "Noah I can't because I like you but I feel like you won't like me"
Ana-"I shouldn't have said that "
Henny-"Ana it's fine"
Ana-"Noah no it's not"
(Ana walks away and sleeps in another guest room)
The next morning
Henny-"Anastasia wake up we late for school"
Ana-"I'm not late but you are I woke earlier just to get ready before you"
Henny-"Why couldn't you wake me up?"
Ana-"Does it look like that's my job?"
Henny-"It's almost the end of the school year and I can't be late Ana just damn help me out for once"
Ana-"Henny do you not underst-"
Henny-"Ana you know what I'm gonna just let you do you alright."
(Henny leaves the condo after getting ready without saying anything to Ana)
(After arriving on campus Anastasia goes looking for Noah)
Ana-"Chloe have you seen Noah?"
Chloe-"Why are you asking me about my man?"
Ana-"Noah has never even dated anyone I don't think he'd want you to be his first."
Chloe-"Anastasia shut up."
Ana-" Chloe I'm not gonna ask you this again have you seen him or not."
Chloe-"No I haven't now leave me alone."
Ana-"damn you trying to hold a conversation but won't answer what I asked, you can't answer a question with a question."
(Ana asks one of their friends from pre-k if he's seen Noah)
Ana-"Hey Fezco have you seen Noah?"
Fezco-"Nahhhh man where he at though?"
Ana-"I don't know that's why I was asking you."
(Ana gets into Advanced English Core and asks the Professor Howard if she's seen Noah)
Ana-"Morning Professor Howard have you seen Noah?"
Professor Howard- "He's actually been absent in all classes today Ms.Loveless."
(After school Ana sits in the car on campus to call Henny)
Ana- "Hellooooo?"
Henny-"what Ana"
Ana-"Henny I'm sorry"
Ana-"Henny I promise I'm sorry today was the last day of class and you didn't come why?"
Henny-"I didn't feel like it so I didn't"
Ana-"You don't have any missing grades?"
Henny-"Ana it's honestly not your business it's summer break and I'm just trying to live me life."
Ana-"I was just checking on you because I was being really rude earlier I really should've waken you up it wasn't right of me to just get ready without you and just let you be late but I mean since it's summer did you wanna go see our moms?"
(The reason they know each other is because their moms are best friends and that's the reason they've know each other ever since pre-k.)
Henny-"yeah I'll see her tomorrow, I'll call you tomorrow"
Ana-"wait Hennessy don't hang up did you wanna come over tonight so we could go early tomorrow?"
Henny-"I'll see Ana"
Ana-ok well call me when yo-"
(Hennessy hangs up the phone before she could finish talking)
Ana-"your on your way"
(At 2:31 Henny arrives at Ana's condo)
Ana-"why come so late and why did you hang up in my face?"
Henny-"because I felt like it and pipe down with all the questions"
Ana-"you can get out for all I care Noah ain't no walking over me"
Henny-"Ana I think you fail to realize I'm not going nowhere"
Ana-"it's not like I wanted you to leave anyways"
Henny-"wanna watch a movie or something?"
Ana-"yeah but we're watching it in my room"
(so Anastasia brings some snacks upstairs to her room and settles down in the bed with Noah)
Ana-"you had me looking for you at school all day"
Hennessy-"you wanted me to come to school?"
Ana-"never mind just watch the movie"
Hennessy-"I'm getting sleepy Ana I'm gonna go in the guest room"
Ana-"no don't leave me just sleep in the bed with me the movie was a little scary not gonna lie"
Hennessy-"Ana? Scared? That's a first."
Ana-"it's not that Hennessy just sleep in here with me."
Hennessy-"your begging for me to sleep in here with you because your scared?"
Ana-"yea fine that's it just stay in here."
Hennessy-"alright but I'm going to sleep now because that movie was scary but not as scary as your making it to be"
Ana-"see I knew I wasn't the only one."
Henny-"pass me my phone"
Ana-"why I thought you were about to go to sleep?"
Henny-"Ana pass me my phone before I help you."
Henny-"alright bet."

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