"You were reckless-" you pause, eyes widening as if you couldn't believe what you just said. "You were reckless... and you saved my life."

You looked so happy, so upbeat, so proud.
Proud of him.

He could feel the heat rising.
The blood rushing behind his ears.
The walls crumbling.
The emotions flooding.

"Yeah..." he trailed off to keep any collectiveness over his feelings that he had left. He had to switch the topic of conversation or else he'd explode at your stunning smile.

It was a complete 180 of your previous behavior and... and he didn't want to lose a single piece of it.
He didn't want to lose you.

And if that meant apologizing, then so be it.

"About Arisu... I didn't mean for him to get killed, I just need a distraction and I didn't want it to be you."

That was too much for you to unfold.
He was apologizing?

Wow, you really wanted to kiss him.

You quickly shook your head.
Whether it was to shake away your thoughts, or to dismiss the fact that he thinks Arisu is dead... you didn't know.

"Arisu isn't-" did he just say he didn't want to sacrifice you? "-wait what?"

"What," Chishiya mimicked blankly.
This really wasn't how he planned out for the conversation to go.

There was much, much more confusion.
Much more.

"You said... never mind, but Arisu isn't dead."

There it is again.
Another cloak of emptiness, unknowingness.
He was almost at no return at this point.
"What? How do you know?"

"I know everything."

He blinked.
You blinked back.

Your tilted head and bright smile morphed when you reluctantly sighed. "I spied on the militants before I stopped you from leaving. He's not dead, just missing," you said simply and shrugged.

If Chishiya hadn't had the tiniest bit of self-control, his jaw would've dropped to the floor.
You were so impressive.

"We still have to find him, but I doubt he'll want to see you."

Chishiya wanted to scuff his feet on the floor, but he didn't dare show the way your gaze made he uneasy.
You had power over him.

Suddenly, your face dropped and you were so serious that he felt a shiver of fear run up his spine.
"Look, there's something about you, Shiya. I shouldn't want yo- this."

You cleared your throat and Chishiya was thankful for the moment you took to do so because it allowed his to gulp down the emotion that nickname gave him.

It made his heart flutter.

"I'm-I'm willing you give you another go at my trust, because... I don't know, but we need to find Arisu."
You bit your lip in thought.

Chishiya nodded along, hiding the warmth that rose to his cheeks well.

Yes, please, he wanted to beg, but it wasn't like him.
It wasn't like him to want other's trust.
He never needed anyone's trust.

But he wanted yours... and he was ready to work for it.

"So, if we find him alive, I'll let you have me."

Chishiya went red.
That didn't come out like you wanted.

"But if he's dead," you continued, glaring to cover up the flush of heat you brought to yourself. "I won't spare you another glance."

"Okay." He nodded. "Where do we start."

You grinned.
You grinned and relief flowed through Chishiya.
He had you back.

You grinned, then pointed down at the array of cards that had fallen to the ground.

"You can start by picking up those cards."

Not Interested // Shuntaro ChishiyaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя