Part 1: Meeting Ace

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 I waited till dawn to get out of my hideout. When I saw the first sunrays appearing from behind the mountain, I slided quietly out of the willow I'd been hiding for the night...and I ran. I didn't know how much it would take for them to find me, but I had got a head start. While I was running, I got a glimpse of a field full of tall weeds to my left- a perfect hiding sport. The weeds came up to my waist, which only made me more confident about my choice.

 I heard something moving on the dirt, like a snake or something of its sort, but I couldn't care less about reptiles right now. I mean what was more important? To be afraid of a snake or hide from a pack of vampires who want to drink my blood and kill me? The animal wrapped around my ankle and I froze. Not because I was afraid of it, but because I could swear that what was around my foot was a hand. Fingers for God's sake! That meant they had found me. The knife I was carrying in my pocket wouldn't be much of a use now. The sun was hardly out- enough to make them go in their houses but not strong enough to cause them any serious damage. I felt a pain in my ankle and screamed while falling behind.

  When I landed on the ground, I grabbed my knife ready to give my self a clean respectfull death. That was when I heard the creature breathing heavily. Vampires don't breathe. I looked in the creature's direction and saw a figure of a man. He was covered up with a brown coat, which hood was hiding his face ,and only his arm, covered in blood, was showing. The blood could as well be mine from the wounds his nails had made to my skin when he grabbed my ankle.

<<You are bleeding>> he whispered shocked. His voiced sound mature like a midl-aged man's.

<<Are you ok?>> I asked.

He abruptly lifted his head to the sound of my voice. Black markings, which seemed like tattoos where covering his face. He was frightening. His dark features lighted up from a twisted smile.

<<You don't know how long I have been waiting to see a woman>> he said and attacked me.

He fell on me with all of his weight and pinned my hands over my head.

<< What the hell are you doin->> I tried to say but he slapped my so hard I started bleeding.

<<Shut up we don't have much time>> he ordered and ripped my shirt with his free hand.

<<Stop it!>> I shouted which only made him punch my harder.

He started kissing my neck while his hand opened the button of my jeans. He opened my legs fiercely. I was so shocked I did not know what to do. I tried to kick him in his privates put he pushed my knee before I could do so ,and stood between my legs. Screaming was not an option at this point. Humans were very rare to find. So the only thing that could hear my scream and come were the creatures I was running away from in the first place. And that would end up way more badly than being raped. So the only thing I could do was wait until he lowered his defences and stab him with my knife before he managed to do anything to me.

Suddenly something fell on him with such a force , it knocked him over. The man turned around to see what dared to interrupt him, but when he did he got up as fast as he could and ran away. What was it? A bear? A lion?....A vampire? I tried to get up to , badly hurt as I was, but then I saw that the figure standing in front of me was none of the above creatures. It was a boy around the same age as me. He came closer.

 He was oustanding -something I would have never confessed to him.His dark blue eyes gave him a mysterious vibe and he was dressed in black- the same colour as his hair ( shorter on the sides ,longer on top) which seemed to be falling perfectly on the one side , slightly touching his forehead. I shook my head wondering why I had even noticed all of this.

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