Chapter Twenty-Seven: Rira Gurotz

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"Oh..~ Oh Kacchan when will you get back?", I glanced over at the princess in cringe. Why'd.. she call him that..? That's.. why'd she say it like that..
I stared at her as she gave him puppy eyes and a slight pouty lip.

Kacchan turned around looking at her, he was blushing a bit?.. that's - no.. No..
I stared as he walked closer to her. "Hm?~ you like being called Kacchan, huh?", she grinned giggling. "So.. Kacchan~.. when will you be coming back.. hm?..", she tilted her head a bit looking at him.

I stared at Kacchan as his blush was.. very prominent.. he's looking at her.. the same way as he was at lunch..

Why.. why is he blushing towards her.. why is he letting her call him that.. why..

My chest hurts.. it's feels so tight.. I can't breathe.. he doesn't look at me that way... l-let alone blush when I call him Kacchan.. that's... why is she any different?.. what makes her different?..

I look down closing my eyes. That's my nickname for him.. why is she using it.. why is he reacting that way to her..
It's not fair.. it's not fair.. it's not fair..!

I fidget with his cape wrapping it tightly around me. He doesn't need her.. he doesn't need a princess.. all h-he needs is me.. I'm good enough.. I-I want to be good enough.. why can't I be good enough..?

I picked my head up quickly after being pulled out of thoughts. "Deku!!", I looked up at Kacchan, he had been calling my name, gripping my shoulders. "What's wrong?.. your scents going crazy.. calm down.", I looked over at the princess who seemed pissed again.
"I'm sorry..", I mumbled stepping back taking his cape off. "Would you like this back?...", I mumbled handing his cape over. "Hm?..", he hummed a bit taking his cape out of my hands. "No.. keep it on.", he sighed putting it back on around my neck. "It's yours for right now.. keep it safe for me, ok? I'll be back before morning.", he concluded stepping closer to me. "H-huh?.. yes sir..", I mumbled as he placed a hand on the back of my head pulling me close. "A-ah?!", I panicked some as he pulled me into a one armed hug. "K-kacchan..?", I muttered. "Just relax..", he mumbled releasing his scent.

It smells so nice..
I relaxed almost immediately. His scent is.. very comforting.. it makes me feel warm inside..

He's confusing me.. why.. he.. stop treating me like this.. it's confusing... who do you like.. I want to know.. I want to know please.. you blush at her, but act this way around me..

"Deku.. calm down for me..", he whispered pulling me closer.

Whys he treating me like this.. is it because I'm panicking?... does he like me?... is my scent bad?.. why... I don't understand.. I don't understand!... please help me understand!..
"Izuku...", he mumbled "I need you to calm down. You're scents going crazy ok?.. an alpha will be able to smell your panic from miles away.",

I nodded a bit calming as he released his scent more heavily. "You can tell a lot about someone by their scent.. but yours is definitely confusing...", he whispered rubbing my back.
"I'll see you later. Ok?", he then pulled away patting my head, leaving after.

Why'd it have to end so quickly..
I looked over at the princess as she stood walking over to me. "Y-yes your highness?..",
She growled staring at me. "God... that was so pitiful to watch. It's so obvious, yet it'll never happen.",
"H-huh?..", I tilted my head.
"You're just a filthy poor servant, and you like a prince like that?! Ha! What a joke!", she laughed. "It's even funnier. He calls you Deku! Imagine that. He calls you useless, as a nickname. Izuku, Deku. Plain useless.",
"Wh-what?.. that's.. that's not what.. that means..", I mumbled.
"Really? What type of education did you have? He calls you useless everytime he calls for you. That's just so funny, don't you think?", she grinned.
"No... it's not..",
"That's just too bad, Deku. He'll never like someone as ugly as you. All these scars, you're handicapped too. You lack sight in your eye, and you can't even use your hand. You're worthless, why does he keep you around? Your kind disgust me. Servants that like their superiors? Thats just gross.",

I looked down. "Y-yes ma'am..", I mumbled stepping away and walking to the door sitting by it.
"Whyre you here? Get out, he's not coming back until tomorrow. So you can go to your room. It disgusts me just having you in here.", she spouted changing into her night wear then getting into kacchans bed.
"No buts! Get out!!", she yelled at me. "Or I'll get the guards!",
I flinched standing. "Yes.. yes ma'am...", I mumbled walking out sitting outside the door.

I guess I'll wait out here... it's cold in these stairwells..

I looked down the stairs wrapping his cape tightly around my self.

The princess is mean.. she not a nice person at all.. If I tell Kacchan.. would he believe me.. ah- I have no proof..

I don't want to spend a week working for her.. she's going to tear me apart.. I can't do it.. I don't want to..

I don't want to see Kacchan looking at her like that anymore.. I don't want her calling him Kacchan.. I don't want him blushing towards her. I don't want this princess around, what if Kacchan falls for her and believes her over me... She's so two faced... she's- I'm.. he calls me useless..? I'm not useless am I...? I-.. does he think I'm useless?.. after all I've done for him?- no.. n-no because he wouldn't treat me the way he does- h-he said the meaning of the nickname doesn't matter...

Why does all this make my chest hurt... I can't handle all of this..

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