Sleepover With Satan

186 6 3

Xavier || Paige


"Have a great weekend Xavier."

I look up to meet the eyes of another girl I don't know, a brunette with a great figure and a pretty smile stares back at me. I smile in return and throw her a small wave, obvious disappointment reflects on her features when I don't make a move towards her. But what can I say? In comparison to another brunette girl I know, this one is lacking. And I'm simply not interested in the slightest.

I stand up and move towards my friends who are gathered around the school's exit. Very inconsiderate considering they're blocking the exit for other students, but they're oblivious. So as I reach them I gently shove the boys to the side, the girls shuffling over on their own accord. I notice a few passing students offer me a smile and I return the gesture.

I can't wait to see how my actions will be twisted by Monday, these kids really get a kick out of making me out to be some sort of devil incarnate.
I can hear the rumours now. Xavier, the big bad wolf shoved Dylan and Hayden to the ground and stomped on their faces. And then he dragged Grace and Sarah by their ponytails into the middle of the road and told them not to move or else.

The shocking thing, some morons at this school would believe it.

"Where the hell is she? We're going to be late if we don't leave now." Hayden says impatiently, starting to pace. Both he and Sarah look as though they're about to start running. "Five minutes," He continues. "If she's not here in five minutes we're leaving without her."

The five of us have been waiting for Paige for almost twenty minutes. Most days it wouldn't matter and we'd be happy to wait for her, but it's Friday so Hayden and Sarah are supposed to be at 'Sweets In Serenity' in ten minutes. And quite frankly, it's beginning to look like they're going to have no choice but to run halfway across town.

"You," Dylan shouts out of nowhere, making Sarah and Hayden jump. He runs towards the little redhead from our homeroom. "Ellie, have you seen Paige?" He asks her. I don't know her well, just that she and Paige are really close friends. They've known each other for most of their lives and if Paige isn't with us she's usually with Ellie.

"I left her in the library an hour ago." She shrugs and walks away. I smile, amused by her simplicity. She is truly a girl of not so many words. Very much the opposite of her friend.

"I'll go grab her." I don't know what possessed me to say this. It's no secret that Paige doesn't like me all that much at the moment. But in my mind, even if we do nothing but argue, this is still an opportunity to spend more time with her away from our friends. And I'm going to take every chance I can get. Because when it's up to her she does all that she can to avoid ever being alone with me. "We'll meet you both at the cafe."

"That's if she doesn't kill you." Dylan says snidely, he and Hayden exchange high fives. I watch them in amusement, wanting to reach out and snack them both in the face. But that would give the other students too much ammunition.

"I'd love to see her try." I say with a grin before I turn and walk away.

I immediately head in the direction of the school library, it's very quiet with only a few students and teachers wandering about.

When I make it to the library, I make my way through the students congregating at the doorway and step inside. I notice the librarian, Carol is in her office off to the side, but apart from that, there are only five or so kids in here, most of whom look like they're packing up to leave.

I silently look around for Paige, wandering around aimlessly hoping that I'll stumble upon her among the shelves. I'm reminded of how much I love the smell of books as I walk through the aisles, maybe I should come in here more often, I'm sure that'd piss Paige off.

Sleepover With Satan #2Where stories live. Discover now