"Come onnnn you'll be okay, Jackson and Jaehyun will go with you. The only info we've gotten on them so far is that they're recruiting new 'werewolves into their group soooo they'll just tell the leaders you're a newly formed one"  Namjoon finished off with a smile

Crossing his arms he glared at the younger male, "And why can't yoongi do this, he's stronger"

"If I go in I'm killing everyone. you're the actor here" He spoke opening another lollipop

A new habit he had started since Asia came back

"And the gamble is.."

"A 99% chance you can make it out easily, I bought you concealer to hide your twin flame marks and tattoos since they'd know who you are immediately. listen we only need you guys there for a week at most, a day if you can get info out of them. We'll be there too, just lowkey" Asia said patting his shoulder in content

With a smug smile he threw questions her way, "Earpieces?"

"In your suitcase"

His arms dropped in shock, "Extra snacks?"

"In your backpack"

"Rubber ducky underwear?"

"On your butt"

He blinked checking his pants indeed seeing his favorite underwear, Rolling his eyes he sighed

"Fine I'll go"

They jumped up in excitement happy to finish out this plan once

and hopefully for all

"And this, every single one of you have to eat this everyday before breakfast, lunch and dinner. This is the only thing that keeps other clans from being able to tell who, what, or where you came from. They'll think you're just a rogue so you'll have a higher chance of getting in" Namjoon said handing him a thick medium green sized leaf

"It's good try it" He spoke

The rest ate theirs feeling it dissolve onto their tongues, hmming with content

"Soooo..." The platinum headed man egged on, his hands slowly beckoning in a circular motion as to say

'please answer me before I overthink'

Watching his eyes glance back and forth between everyone the older man whined scrunching his eyebrows up in a discontented manner as he dropped to the floor

His voice muffled into the carpet

"I don't care anymore just make sure you get all my foods sorted, I'm not eating that barbaric stuff"

Asia let out a goofy smile shuffling around the living room, Jungkook watched as his heart warmed up

Cringing he shook his head chuckling at the man below him while patting his shoulder, "Deal"

𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝑻𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 | 𝐉𝐉𝐊Where stories live. Discover now