☆ one ☆

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-TW: usage of a slur-

Mabel's POV

I put on my shoes and stomp a few times, making sure they're a secure fit, "okay, bye dads!" I wave and skip out the door excitedly.

"First day of school, first day of school." I sing, having my arms out as if I'm balancing on something, kicking a pebble.

I look up and see the school. This is my second year of school. I am really excited! I know some people are from last year, but every year we get a new student.

"Get out of the way, first year." This older boy says rudely, "I'm a second year! Quit being so rude!" I stick my tongue out and he rolls his eyes, "whatever."

I won't let people like him ruin my day. People actually dislike school..? I just don't like English liter- literat- something like that. Literature? There we go! English literature stinks.

There's this boy who sits behind me and he likes to kick my chair and pull my hair. In the movies, they always say that's a sign that he likes you. But boys are gross..I beg to differ.

Last year, he kept calling my dads, "fags" or something like that- I don't know what that is quite yet but I know it isn't nice..because when the teacher found out, he sent the boy to the scary ol' principals office.

My dads never talked about it...but I did hear them arguing about my school arrangements one time. They argue sometimes, but it isn't all the time. And they're never unhappy. They never raise their voice, they never drink, they never hit, they always just talk about it and deal with it.

They say it wasn't always like that. I like to hear funny stories they laugh about.


I grab my history book and start my way to class.

Here we go.

- - -

"Hello, class, before we start, here is a new student, Mason Uenagi." I look up from the doodles I was drawing of butterflies and flowers.

"You can go sit by Ms. Sawamura in the back." He didn't look mean, he looked rather shy, only answering in nods and head shakes.

-a little later-

During lunch, I look over to find the new kid alone. I turn my desk so it's connected to his, "hi! I'm Mabel." He looks up, surprised, "o-oh...! I'm Mason..English name?" I nod, "yeah, my mom was American and my dad is Japanese."

"Was..?" I nod, "I haven't seen my mom for a long time. A year maybe?"

"Oh..I'm sorry." I shake my head, taking a spoonful of rice, "it's okay. She was only in my life for five years."


"What about you?"


"Your name is English too. So, what's your story?" He eats a small piece of sushi, "my father is German and my mother is Japanese."

"German? That's so cool!" His accent wasn't heavy but it wasn't too light.

He chuckles lightly, "you're nice..I didn't expect that from a new school.."

"Eh..a lot of people are mean here. I just choose to be super nice! It's better to be nice to everyone than to be rude."

"Wow..you must have really good parents.."

"My dads try, but sometimes I think I'm too much.."

"Dads? Plural?" I nod, smiling, "yep! They-"


Everyone quickly puts their lunches away and moves the desks back to their places.

- - -

"Where exactly do you live? Or are you just following me-?" I giggle and jump off of the planks of wood I've been balancing on, "no, I'm not following you. I have to go to that daycare down a couple blocks." I point, "you don't go home..?"

"Not until dad picks us up."

"Do you ever get..bored?" I shake my head, "nope! My dad usually lets me play volleyball, or something."

"You're a...a very content child, aren't you?" I nod and look down, "my dad says that Mr. Sugawara had a bad childhood and he would do anything in his power for that not to happen to me.."


"My other dad." He nods, "ah..do you know what happened to-?"

"Hey, dad!" I shout, racing down the street, "hi, Mabel." I hug him tightly and smile, "who's your new friend?"

"Oh! That's Mason! He's new!" Mason waves awkwardly and my dad smiles, "why aren't you at work?"

"I got off early! Your dad's going to meet us home, he has a late meeting tonight."

"Okay!" I race off down the street, "bye, Mason! See you tomorrow! Get home safely, please! Thank you!" I smile largely before turning around.

- - -

Mason's POV

"Get home safely, kid." Mabel's dad smiles sweetly before racing up to Mabel, who was far ahead. He looked nothing like her. My guess is that isn't her biological father..

I walk a little further to arrive in front of my own house. We move a lot..because of my step dad's profession.

- - earlier that day - -

"Remember your rule, Mason."

"Yes, mom-" I say, putting on my shoes glumly, not really excited for the day. But somehow I could feel this weird energy that someone right now, was super excited for today. It was weird...

"We don't know when Aito would want to leave again.."

"Yes, mom."

"Nobody in their right mind will talk to you if you just stay quiet, okay?" I nod, "mhm.."

- - -

"Hi! I'm Mabel!" I look up at the girl. She had dark brown hair, naturally wavy is my guess, held back by a small headband. Her uniform was a little large on her, which caused her to role her sleeves up. I didn't get anything bad from her...she practically radiates the color yellow.

I seen someone who has a content life. She had to two dads, who were obviously in love with each other, who raised her to have no problems whatsoever..none. She was really positive. Happy.

I wonder what that's like...to be happy.

I walk inside my house and take off my shoes, "we don't have the money to move again, Ai- ow!" Loud movements were coming from upstairs. My mom and dad are fighting again. It seems to happen more and more the more we move around.

I sigh as I walk upstairs to my room. I grab my large headphones and my phone and walk to the corner of the room. I sit down and put on my headphones, turning on a song. I shut my eyes and try to filter out the shouting in the next room.

Just another day..

- - - end of chapter - - -

well...it's a start

02-18-21 at 9:13 pm.

You Will Always be Our Little Girl Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz