Let Me Go

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Disclaimer: I do not own Newsies or anyone in the cast(I wish), I only own Mercedes, her father, Grace, and her friends and the storyline.

Mercedes POV

As I hastily walked home, hoping to get home before Grace and her group of friends could get me. Just as I rounded the corner a sinister voice called me.

"Yo! Ugly! Where are you going?? Don't you remember our plans?" The voice said dripping with evil.
I started running from her. Suddenly a pipe was swung in front of me, knocking me to the ground, breathless.

"Don't run from the truth, you know your a worthless, pathetic, little girl. No one will ever love you." she said and with that they were gone, leaving me lying on the ground. I tried getting up, but failed and collapsed.

"Sweetheart!!! What happened?" My dad said running to me, picking me up bridal style.

"N-nothing Dad I'm fine, really." I said, managing to give him a smile.

"No. You're not. Now tell me, what's going on? You're coming home everyday with new bruises. And now I find you collapsed on the sidewalk!!!" He said unlocking the door. I bit my lip, not knowing what he would do if I told him.

"I'm just clumsy...... Ya know it's in my genes...It comes from mom." I said a smiling slowly.

"She was clumsy....."he said chuckling.

"So.....any news from Stephanie?" I asked trying to get his mind off of me.

"Oh! I almost forgot to tell you!! She's coming here next week!! She says she has a surprise for us.." he said happily.

"SHE IS!!!!?!?!!! DAD THATS THE BEST NEWS EVER!!! HOW DID YOU ALMOST FORGET!!!" I screamed like a little girl at Disney World. This is my chance to tell her about everything.

Hey guys!!! I know this is short but it's just the prologue. So anyways..... IM WRITING A NEWSIES FANFIC!!! FINALLY!!!! IM SO EXCITED!!! BYE!! IM WRITING MA NEXT CHAPPIE!!!

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