Chapter 33 - Second Chances

Start from the beginning

You all nodded and let the doctor walk you to Spencers room. As soon as he opened the door you ran to Spencers side, holding his hand tightly as you watched his curly brown curls lay over his pale face.

"Im so sorry baby" you whispered with immese guilt, feeling like this was all your fault.

"How long is it going to take for him to wake up?" asked Hotchner in a stern voice.

"Couple hours. So, just be patient." the doctor answered as he made his way out of the room, leaving you and team alone with Spencer at last.

"Ugh!" you heard JJ exclaim as she looked at her phone.

"What's wrong JJ?" asked Emily confused.

"Im sorry guys, we have a case.."

The team just stared at each other, feeling bad about having to leave you alone during these times.

"Don't worry guys" you heard Morgan speak out. "Ill stay with her.."

"Thank's Derek.." you whispered, shooting him a soft smile.

You hugged the rest of the team goodbye and found yourself a chair to sit on while you waited for Spencer to wake up. You watched him very closely, a tear falling of your cheek at the sight of his bandaged wounds.

"Hey.... the worst is already over momma. He's going to be just fine?" whispered Morgan as he hugged you from behind.

You nodded as you wiped the tears off your face, giving Morgan a soft smile as he let go of you.

"Hes going to be fine" you whispered to yourself as your gaze went back to Spencer.

"Its getting a little late babygirl... Do you want me to drop you off at home?"

"No no, I want to stay with him. I dont want him to wake up while no one is here..."

"Very well then, imma go go to the cafeteria to get some food, okay? Want anything?"

As soon as you shook your head, Morgan stepped out of the room. He closed the door quietly, leaving you alone with Spencer at last.

"Hey Spencie" you whispered to him as you drew little circles on his hand. "I don't know if you can hear me, but......I love you so fucking much."

Your eyes started welling up with tears, a deep pain growing in your chest as you watched the man you loved in such awful condition.

You tried to sob quietly, not wanting to disturb any of the other patients or medical staff outside. You planted a chaste kiss on his arm and laid your head on it, trying to get as comfortable as possible to take a quick nap. You were so exhausted but you didn't want to leave his side.

As you were drifting off to sleep, you felt Spencers body begin to move. You quickly stood up, watching him with wide eyes as he began to hum and whine.

"Spencer" you whispered as you reached out and held his hand once again.

He turned his head around to look at you, his mouth curling up into a small smile as your hand moved up to his face and cupped his cheek.

"Hey Angel.." he mumbled out as he laid his hand over yours, "Hows my favorite girl.."

You wrapped your arms carefully around his waist, being careful not to hurt his arm or neck.

"You scared the shit out of me!" you yelled out with a smile. He laughed as you let him go, putting your hand back on his face as you stared deep into his eyes, thanking the universe and god and the stars that he was okay.

"Good! Next time you'll learn to appreciate me!" he said jokingly as he tried to move his arm, wincing at how painful it was.

You smiled at him, bringing your face closer to his as you outlined his lip with your thumb.

"I love you, Spencie" you whispered out, watching as his lips curled into a smile.

"I know you do, Angel...."

You were just admiring him when your eyes finally landed on his lips, you slowly pulled your face closer to his, watching him as he grew nervous at how close you were.

"Why so nervous baby?" you whispered as you examined his face once again.

"I just.... I thought I would never see you again."

With that you looked back into his eyes, your lips immediately crashing with his. Slowly forming a sweet yet passionate kiss that made you feel like you were on cloud 9.

You felt like it was only you and him, that long awaited kiss making you grow numb to the world around you. So when Morgan finally came back with some food, you didn't hear a thing.

"Woah!" Morgan yelled out as he saw what was happening, Spencer let out a laugh as he realized you both had been caught. "Oh thank god hes awake, I thought you were just kissing him passionately as he laid in a drug induced sleep."

"Sir I- Why the hell would I do that?!"

Morgan shrugged his shoulders , making Spencer laugh even harder.

"I think we should let everybody know that the boy genius is awake and is laughing up a storm.."you said trying to change the subject.

"I agree, let me go call Garcia!"

As Morgan stepped out of the room once again, you started to walk towards the plater of food. Spencer watched you as you popped a french fry into your mouth, feeling grateful that he could live another day with you by his side.

In Plain Sight (Spencer Reid x Reader)✔️Where stories live. Discover now