Roars erupted from the Slytherin side and the majority of Ravenclaw cheered along too. Although many of the Gryfinndors booed, Rose and her cousin cheered along with the others. It's a family thing.

The bleachers began to empty and Rose almost made it back into the castle when someone caught her arm.

"Hey, Jacob."

Jacob stood before her in his yellow quidditch robes and a very disappointed expression. "Hey. So did you see me out there?"

Truthfully, no. I was too busy watching Malfoy to even give a second glance to you.

Was what she could have said. But that would be rude.

"Yeah, you did great out there."

"Thanks. I mean, we lost but they probably just cheated. I mean common, they're Slytherins. It's what they do." He said sourly.

Normally, Rose would have agreed just for the sake of talking bad about Slytherins, but she just couldn't do so today.

"Are you calling my cousin a cheater?" She asked harshly. Much harsher than she had planned but she was not going to let someone degrade her own family to make themselves feel better.

"No! No, of course not. I meant Malfoy."

"Malfoy is a good seeker." She defended.

"That's what they want you to think. His dad is probably just bribing them to put his son on the team." He scowled.

"Is that why he beat James last year? Because last time I checked, James Potter was this school's best seeker and the only person that could challenge him was Malfoy."

He looked at her weirdly. "At the end of the day, he's a Malfoy. It's in their blood to cheat."

"Just drop it. Look, you did good out there. You put in your best and that's all that matters. Acting like a sore loser won't help you." She sighed.

Surprise flung onto his face. He looked like he wanted to say something but stopped himself. "I'm going to go shower. But I'll see you later today? Maybe we can hangout at Hogsmeade? As friends, of course."

"Sure." She shrugged.

She didn't want to but she felt bad for the words they just exchanged and clearly he was hurt by it. It was the least she can do.

Walking down the corridors, she didn't make it that far when she was stopped again. She knew exactly who it was this time based on the icy, slender fingers wrapping around her wrist. She spun around, coming face to face with the tall, blonde, Slytherin boy towering over her with a proud smile.

"Hey. I've been looking for you." He lightly panted like he was out of breath.

"You were?" She questioned. Rose felt her heart flutter at the smile tugging his lips.

"Yeah. You lied." He stated proudly, catching her off guard.

"Excuse me?"

"You said this morning that you wouldn't be caught dead cheering for Slytherin."

She rolled her eyes. "I only did so for Al. I don't give a flying bludger about the rest of you Slytherins."

"Yeah? You don't care about me?" He smirked, taking a step closer.

"Not. At. All."

He bent his head down to her ears, his lips lightly skimming her skin. "You should leave the lying up to Slytherins. We do it better."

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