I'm Not Like Other Wolves

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Ranboo and Nihachu - Cringy 2014 Wolf AU

AN - Good god this one was a trip. The angst-

Ranboo was never allowed with the rest of the wolf pack. He was half enderman which made him different and the other wolves resented him for it. He would live by himself in the forest alone with no friends.

Although he wouldn't admit it, Ranboo was extremely lonely. So you can imagine his excitement when one boring day he saw a neighboring wolf pack walk through the forest. Ranboo's tail started wagging in excitement as he tried to befriend the pack.

The leader of the pack, a green wolf named Dream, instantly realized Ranboo was half enderman and bared his teeth at him.

"They will never understand me", thought Ranboo. He began to walk off with his tail drooping. He didn't notice however, the blonde wolf that was watching him walk away. This wolf was an omega named Nihachu and she decided she would help this outcast. She drifted away from the pack and walked to Ranboo.

"Who are you" asked Ranboo.

"I'm Nihachu" replied the wolf with a smile.

"You aren't scared of me even though I'm half enderman?"

"No of course not!" Ranboo was so excited. He had finally made a friend. Just then the green wolf, Dream, walked up to them.

"Nihachu. You cannot be with this outcast. You must decide, our pack, or this freak"

"I think I will go with Ranboo thank you very much. Let's go." Nihachu said as she turned away from Dream and walked off with Ranboo. The two wolves finally feeling at home.

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