Chapter 10

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No One's Pov.

Maleficent the Mistress of Evil was in the Cathedral and everyone was shocked well expected for Mal who just had a sad look on her face. "Go away Mother."

Maleficent laughed and held out her hand. "Your so funny, here wand me chop chop."

Mal fakes like she was going to give her the wand but she tossed it to Fairy Godmother she caught it and started to cast a spell. "Bibbidi Bobbidi--."

"Boo." Maleficent finished as she raised her scepter in the air and froze everyone but Jacob and the Vks.

Maleficent then walked up to King Adam and mess with him as she took his glasses off."Mmm another time, another time." She said before placing the glasses on the top of his head.

Then she reach through his coat and took out Victor Frankenstein's journal and started flipping through the journal.

"Well, well, well I have to say Victor Frankenstein you knew how to slap God in the face." Maleficent said with a smirk as she threw the journal at Jacob who caught it.

Then she grabbed the wand from Fairy Godmother then she tapped the Fairy Godmother's nose. "Oh, oh dear somebody needs to plug their nose hair."

Maleficent need turn to the Vks and Jacob. "Where to begin? Oh I know why don't we start by getting rid of this."

Maleficent paused as she pointed the wand at Mal causing Ben's ring to fly off her finger and onto the wand."Perfect fit!"

Maleficent ducked under The Fairy Godmother's arms chucking to herself."Excuse me, The horns, The horns."

Maleficent went over to Ben looking him over slapped his face.

"Falling in love is weak and ridiculous. It's not what you want." Maleficent told Mal.

"You don't know what I want! Mom have you ever asked me what I want? I'm not you." Mal yelled with tears in her eyes.

"Obviously I've had years and years and years of practice of being evil You'll get there." Maleficent said.

"No I will not and I really wished that you never got there yourself. Love is not weak or ridiculous. Its actually really amazing." Mal said.

Maleficent's temper began to flare. "I know one thing young lady you have no room for love in your heart!".

Mal's gaze hardened as she extended a hand towards her mother. "And now I command wand to my hand!".

The wand flew out of Maleficent's hand and into Mal's hand surprising her."It worked."

Maleficent began to pace as her rage grew."I hardly think so. This is tedious and very immature Give me the wand Give me the wand!"

Carlos walked up behind Mal. "Hold on Mal, maybe good is more powerful than evil."

Maleficent rolled her eyes. "Oh please your killing me."

Maleficent barked like a dog at Carlos causing Dude to come running and jump on her."The breath, the breath Get off of me."

Maleficent manages to get Dude off of her and he runs off as Jay took advantage of the distraction and grabbed her scepter but Maleficent caught him and her eyes were glowing green as she feels Jay's muscles. "Gaston should be jealous. "

With a fickle of her wrist she sent Jay tumbling backwards.

Suddenly a hand grabbed Maleficent by the back of her neck and she soon turn and saw Jacob and he took his hood off.

"Bogus." Jacob said as he tossed her to the floor and he roar with rage at her.

"Enough." Maleficent snarled. "You all will regret this!"

Jacob's Pov.

Then a large clouds of green smoke surrounded and cover Maleficent as she had turned into a dragon.

She soon began breathing fire at me and Jay we soon ran as the dragon chased us as Evie held up her magic mirror

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She soon began breathing fire at me and Jay we soon ran as the dragon chased us as Evie held up her magic mirror. "Magic Mirror shine your bright light."

It shines a bright light blinding the dragon making it fly to the ground.

"Leave my friends alone, This is between you and me mother." Mal said as we all got behind her as she stare her mother down.

"The strength of evil is good as none when stands before five hearts as one." Mal chanted as her eyes glowed green and her mother's eyes did the same as they had a staring contest.

Soon Maleficent disappeared in a cloud of smoke as we all rushed over and we discovered that Mal had turned her mom into a gecko.

"What just happened?" Carlos asked.

"I have no idea." Jay said.

"Did you do it ?" Evie asked

"I don't know." Mal replied.

Then Fairy Godmother came up to us.

"No No, No, No, No. Your mother did. She shrank to the size of the love in her heart which its so itty bitty."

Mal stared down at her mom. "Well she be like this forever?"

The Fairy Godmother smiled. "Forever is a really long time you learned to love so can she."

Mal soon handed Fairy Godmother back her wand. "I believe this belong to you."

Then I handed her Victor Frankenstein's journal.

The Fairy Godmother smiled and picked up Ben's ring and handed it to Mal."And I believe this belongs to you."

Mal smiled as Fairy Godmother looked at us. "You all just earn an A in Goodness Class."

She soon wave her wand and undo the spell as everyone was unforze Ben roar and lunged forward preparing to attack but Mal stopped him. "Whoa we already got things warped up here."

"Next time I rescue you okay?" Ben chuckle.

"Let's not let there be a next time." Mal replied. Then she saw The Fairy Godmother talking to Jane."I'll be right back."

"Jacob Frankenstein." I heard my name called out.

I turned out and saw it was King Adam aka The Beast.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I want to apologize to you for sending you to the Island and everything I hope we can move on and start over." King Adam said as he reach his hand out for a handshake and I took it and we shook hands.

Then I saw Mal and Audrey curtsys each other then me and the Vks along with Ben warped our arms around each other.

"Let's get this party started." Jay said.

It's Alive (A Descendants and Frankenstein story )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя