They slumped back down, glaring at Rose as she laughed at their reactions.

"The guy has nearly all of Hogwarts' female population drooling over him. And you're gonna sit here and tell me that he's not cute? I don't buy it." 

"Are you guys really that surprised that I don't like the same guy who spent the last six years of his life to make mine miserable?" 

"She's just in denial, that's all." Dom said, ignoring Rose and turning to Lily.

"It's perfectly natural. But you'd think for the smartest witch in our year, she'd be a little bit less naive."

"I know right! Like, how can she write a perfect three page essay about Venomous Tentaculas but can't even realize her own love-"

"You two must be going bloody insane." Rose interrupted. "I would rather snog a troll, bathe in frog mucus, and toss myself into the Whomping Willow at the least, than have anything to do with Malfoy."

The two girls in front of her collapsed in giggles, but they weren't laughing at Rose. Instead, they were looking right above her. Rose slowly turned around, dreading to see what she was already anticipating.

Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Potter were standing right behind her, with two totally different expressions. Al looked very amused and interested. Malfoy, on the other hand, looked taken back at her statement.

"You know, for someone who talks an awful lot about me being the rude one, you sure do have a big mouth." Malfoy grumbled, his ego clearly hurt.

Rose shrugged and flashed him a smile, to which he returned with a glare.

"So, how is my lovely family doing today?" Al asked cheerfully- much to happy for eight o' clock in the morning.

They all grumbled in response.

"Good, good. Now, I have a small favor to ask you guys."

This can't be good.

"So, there's this girl that know." He trailed off, but sighed when their raised eyebrows indicated that they clearly did not know. "Like, you know?"

"Just spit it out." Lily blurted as the other girls- and Hugo, nodded in agreement.

"I- like, I don't know, she's cool and all and I just think that- well..." Albus began to ramble on, confusing everyone even more.

Malfoy sighed and patted his friends back encouragingly. "This is gonna take a while." He said to himself as he sat himself down next to Rose. She tried to ignore the goosebumps that ran through her as his knee brushed hers.

"Oh my god Al, just tell us who she is?" Dom asked.

Rose would have listened in on their conversation if it wasn't for the distraction next to her. She turned to her side to see Malfoy holding a lock of her hair. He was staring so intensely at her hair that she only got his attention after flicking his head.

"Stop that." She hissed, snatching her hair out of his hands.

"Sorry." He murmured, not sounding in the least bit sorry. "It's just"

"Yes Malfoy, thank you for the observation."

When he only smirked in response, she decided to turn the tables on him. Lets see how he likes it.

She grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled it, sending him leaning forward in surprise. "Wow, it's just so...white. Kinda like my muggle grandpa's." She said, mockingly inspecting his hair.

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