11- Two Week Holiday

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It was now a week later and they were all in the great hall, listening to McGonagall's speech.

"As you know, the Quidditch World Cup is coming, and a two week holiday will commence tomorrow, where you will go home to your families or be able to stay at Hogwarts. That is all and I hope you enjoy your holiday." She smiled as the students cheered and clapped.

"You got tickets right?" Y/n asked her friends.

"'Course we did, me and my family." Daphne answered.

Pansy nodded. "Yep! Can't wait to see you guys." She smiled and they ate.

"Speaking of nothing in particular. How are you and Theo doing?" Daphne asked Pansy. Pansy's face immediately turned almost into a glare at Daphne.

"What? What did I do?" Daphne said looking from her to y/n.

"You interrupted our moment because of you and Blaise who blew up the library! So now it's just been awkward since.. and I haven't talked to him since last week, and I've been too scared to go up to him in the common room.." She trailed off sadly, having a small look at Theo then immediately turning away.

"Oh.. Listen I'm sorry Pansy-"

"-No no!" Pansy interrupted her, smiling. "It's okay, totally okay. Maybe it was just meant to be like that." She shrugged.

"Well has he tried talking to you at all?" Y/n said to Pansy. Daphne nodded waiting for her friends response.

"Well.." Pansy started.  "there was last week, like 3 days after Daphne and Blaise burned the library down.."


Pansy hopped down the stairs for break fast, eager to meet and talk with her friends. She hummed quietly to herself as she clutched her charms book tighter to her chest. As she was walking to open the portrait she felt a firm hand on her shoulder.


"AHH!" She shrieked, getting her book and hitting whoever startled her with it.

It was Theo and he looked down at her, taking his hands away from his face, revealing that Pansy had scratched his face with her book. He was genuinely confused and Pansy was frightened. They just looked at each other in silence as she slowly opened the portrait door.

"I, um, thought you were.. I'm sorry-" She dashed out quickly and slammed the portrait behind her.

"Young Lady Parkinson, please don't slam my portrait." The kind voice from her Slytherin Portrait spoke.

"Sorry sir. Have a lovely morning." She said smiling guiltily as she skipped away quickly.

"Where'd she go?!" Theo demanded to the portrait as he opened it and closed it behind him.

"I can't disclose whereabouts of others, Young Master Nott."

"Please! I need to get to her before she arrives at break fast!" He pleaded, wiping the small cut once as he felt it drip with blood a bit.

"Just like your father, you." The older Nott in the portrait shook his head slowly.

"If you love me because I'm your great grand son tell me where she went." He crossed his arms in front of the man. The man smiled at this.

"You can't be handed everything now, can you?" The portrait said, freezing into its original position, ceasing to talk to Theodore.

"Father will hear about this." Theo muttered turning away.


"So you hit Theo with your book and scratched his face.." Y/n said slowly trailing off.

Blue Sky (d.m x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon