15- Jealousy

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"Okay children. You're all sitting together." Narcissa said pacing in front of them like they were soldiers. "Your parents are already inside. Please behave." She finished, eyeing Draco who eventually nodded.

But no promises were made.

The six all went to their seats and sat down. It was Draco, Y/n, Daphne, Blaise, Pansy and Theo. Theo's arm was around Pansy as they whispered and ate their food while Blaise and Daphne had their usual bicker.

"I can't believe you think number 5 is better than 2. You're nuts." He rolled his eyes. "Wouldn't expect anything less." He finished as he looked at his nails, faintly smiling at how Daphne had forced him to get them done by her.

"Nice right?" Daphne said smiling at him and he didn't answer and looked away. "You totally like them!" She said putting her hands on his arm. He looked at her.

"Fine, you did a decent job, they look neater." He sighed and she beamed. His heart beat a little faster at her excitement that was still on her face as she let go of him and looked at the game.

They were only 10 minutes into the game and they were all on the edge of their seats, sometimes commenting on the game or one of them cracking a joke that made them laugh. They all liked how they all enjoyed Quidditch together.

Y/n was sucked into the game until someone a few levels down caught her eyes. Her eyes were glued on Cedric and Cho, who were embracing each other while looking at the game, standing up from their seats, like they were showing off the fact they were with each other.

Suddenly Draco chuckled and nudged Y/n. "Hey, that player you think is a looker fell off his broom. Looks aren't everything huh?" Draco finished putting some food in his mouth and their friends laughed at his comment of the Quidditch player that distracted Pansy's friends from helping her when she fell down the stairs.

"Why aren't you retorting with anything like you usually do?" He mumbled still nudging her with his elbow, many times that it almost made her fall of her seat. But she got irritated and shoved him back, almost shoving him out of his seat. Draco snapped out of it and looked at Y/n.

"You don't want to start a fight right now.." He started off angry but trailed off when he followed her eyes to what she was looking at. Cedric and Cho. "Oh." He said to himself. He pushed her shoulder softly. "Stop looking at them, what are you, a stalker?"

She seemed to snap out of it and lean back in her seat. "You're right." She mumbled. "What were you saying about a cute Quidditch Player?" She asked looking at him. Draco didn't answer but noticed Cedric look up at them.

Draco suddenly put his left arm around Y/n and pulled her closer to him. Y/n realised what was happening but before she could say anything Draco flipped Cedric off.

"Malfoy," she hissed.

"You got a problem mate?" Cedric yelled up at Draco.

"Come up and find out!" Draco yelled back, a smirk on his face. Their friends suddenly looked at Draco irritatedly.

"Thanks Draco, you're gonna get us kicked out again." Blaise sighed leaning back in his seat and continued to mumble something to Daphne, which made her giggle. Draco's hand was still around Y/n and she didn't see herself telling him to back off. She leaned her head on his shoulder and was actually enjoying it.

"What do you even think you're doing?" Cedric seemed to demand to Y/n as he came up alone.

Pansy and Daphne tried getting up to intervene but Blaise and Theo stopped them. She had Draco and the boys knew for a fact Y/n could handle it herself. They didn't want to cause a commotion to get them banned for life.

Blue Sky (d.m x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt