6- Small Study Session

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It was now two days later.

"Hey Ced!" Y/n seemed to pop up out of no where for him.

"Oh! Hey y/n."

"Wanna study in the library?" She snaked her arm around his. "With me?" She smiled up and he gave her a smile back, but she couldn't tell it was forced.

"I've already studied, I think I'm all good. Sorry, y/n."

"Oh.. then why can't you just sit next to me in the library just for the sake of it?" She frowned as her arm tightened a bit around his.

"What about your friends? The Slytherin ones? Penelope and Danielle?"

"Their names are Pansy and Daphne.. " She frowned. "..and I thought you said you didn't like my Slytherin friends?"

"When did I say that? I don't remember." He tilted his head a bit, but didn't look at her.

She removed her arm from his. "Never mind then. I'll see you later." y/n said coldly and left. Cedric hadn't come after her which had hurt her a tiny bit more.

She walked down the corridors and turned the corner with a good amount of people around her when suddenly she felt an arm around her. Cedric! She smiled and turned but was met with Draco, who looked straight ahead, walking with her.

"What do you think you're doing?" She said to him, her smile disappearing. She hadn't tried to pry him off though.

"How was your day?" He asked, turning to her. Their faces seemed so close, that if either one leaned in a bit their noses would touch. She looked away from him.

"Quite lovely." She lied. Draco knew it too. He saw the interaction between her and Cedric 2 minutes ago. His arm tightened slightly around her.

It was silent as they walked through the crowd. "Um, how was yours?" She asked hesitantly. Draco's eyebrows came up in slight surprise.

"It was okay, nothing special as expected." He turned to look at her, a faint smile on his lips.

This was a good end to his day. But he needed to play it cool. That's what Theo and Blaise had told him when he'd asked them for advice.


"Okay, it's scary how you've gone from hating Pansy to suddenly wanting her." Blaise said from his bed to Theo.

"It's called hate-love relationship amicus meus." Theo said resting his hands behind his head sighing happily at the thought of seeing Pansy tomorrow.

"Oh shut up." Blaise said turning over and closing his eyes. Draco made eye contact with Theo.

"It's the jealousy I tell ya." Theo told Draco who nodded and went along. Blaise threw his pillow at Theo.

"How'd you even get her to talk to you?" Draco asked.

Theo and Blaise raised their eyebrows at him.

"What?" Draco said slightly blushing to the floor. "So I wanna talk to y/l/n, is that such a crime?" He said going to put his book on their small bookshelf.

"Okay, it seems as though you don't care that she's in a relationship," Theo paused sitting up in his bed. "so now all you have to do is win her over."

"How would he do that? He literally called her boring the first time they talked on the train." Blaise snickered as Draco rolled his eyes.

"Wait wait wait, first of all, do you even like her?" Theo said waving his hand about.

"Well," Draco paused. "I don't know. I think if I talk to her more these weird feelings will go away and then I can leave her alone."

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