4. A misunderstanding

Start from the beginning

Tsukki decided it was probably best he didn't push anymore, and replied with a simple "oh ok"
Tsukki sat in class recalling what had happened earlier.

He had been waiting on the rooftop for you
The door opened and one of his classmates walked up to him. He had recognized the girl but they've hardly spoken.

"H-hi tsukkishima"


"Are you.. busy?"

"Kinda"  his replies were flat, he was pretty sure he knew why she was there and he didn't want to get her hopes up.

"Oh... W-well I came here because.. I- I have to tell you....I like you!"

'another confession'

Tsukki rolled his eyes and prepared to deadpan reject her but to his surprise she kissed him

He quickly pushed her away.

"Im not interested. And you shouldn't kiss people like that without permission."
Tsukki was getting annoyed again just thinking about it...
He thought about your reply to his texts too, normally your texts were friendlier...but it was like he could feel the annoyance radiating from your response.

'She... she couldn't have seen that right?'
The school bell rang and you rushed out of class avoiding the volleyball court so you wouldn't have to see Tsukkishima.

You stopped at a convince store on the way home to get popsicles for Noya, as well as some ingredients to make him cookies. then continued home.

After baking the cookies, you left and started walking to noyas house.

'That took longer than I thought... Its getting dark.'

You texted noya

Y/n: headed over now, I'll see you soon!

Rolling thunder: alright, it's dark though, please don't die

Y/n: I would neverrr :)

Putting away your phone, you continued walking. Reaching Noyas house, you rang the doorbell.
The door flew open revealing Noya, wrapped in a blanket, with a bright smile plastered on his face.
You smiled back trying to hide your sadness and handed him the bag.

'Its nice to see a friendly face... I needed this'

"What's wrong y/n"

"What do you mean? Nothings wrong"

"You're smiling but... you look sad... Iv known you long enough to see through your fake smiles"

"Just... something that happened at school... it doesn't matter"
You said with a pained expression.

"I won't push you to tell me, but you know I'm always here if you need to talk."

'Fuck... I'm gonna cry again'

You pulled noya into a hug, your eyes welling up with tears.

"Thank you" this time your smile felt genuine.

"Of course, but you probably shouldn't hug me... you'll get sick"

"Fine by me" you laughed, wiping the tears from your eyes.
You said goodbye to noya and told him to get lots of rest.
And with that you headed back home
You decided to take the longer route home through the park.

'I need to clear my mind'

Without realizing it, while walking you had started crying again.
This time you didn't try to stop yourself
You let the tears roll down your face while you thought about tsukkishima.

'We haven't even known eachother long... why does this hurt so much'

Although you were caught off guard when you heard Tsukkishimas voice from behind you.


You kept walking pretending you couldn't hear him.

'Please don't talk to me'

You felt him gently grab your wrist and you turned around.

His heart dropped when he saw your tear stained face.


[end of chapter 4]

[authors note: hope you enjoyed this chapter :) sorry to leave on a cliffhanger but the next chapter will be up soon enough
Thanks for reading!]

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