"Clearly Von"

"Bro told me to stay at yo crib witchu to make sure don't nothin happen to you why he gon"

"I don't need a babysitter...especially not if it's you"

"Too bad" Von said taking my other AirPod out and putting it in his ear

Durk's The Voice deluxe album was playing and Von started rapping the lyrics like he was in the studio

I let out the biggest sigh of annoyance and this continued most of the time we were all in the air

Doodie Lo and Memo were knocked out thankfully

Von eventually got up to sleep in the back with Asian so I'm just out here by myself basically

Von took my AirPod's so now all I'm left with is my phone and I can't find my charger

One of the flight attendants was about to walk by so I stopped him to try to find out what was going on

"Excuse me sir"

"Yes ma'am what could I get you?" he responded

"Oh ummm a water would be fine but I was wondering if you knew where Durk's flight was headed to?"

"Oh unfortunately I do not know that miss but I will be back promptly with your water...sparkling or still?"

"Doesn't matter" I said annoyed

Clearly Durk has programmed everyone to lie to me

He didn't abruptly leave like that for no reason but I know he's not dumb enough to be pulling some type of cheating scheme or something

A bunch of scenarios of what he could be doing right now were playing through my mind but I was trying not to think about them

Durk wouldn't hurt me intentionally so he must be up to good ... I hope

The attendant brought me back my water and I watched some random series on Netflix for the rest of the flight


Aurora POV
I woke up as the plan was landing and it was about 6:30am

I looked out the window and noticed we were not in LAX and we arrived at O'Hare in Chicago

I walked up to the pilot while everyone else was still waking up

I knocked on the cockpit door and waited for him to open it

4 minutes went by and he still didn't open it so knocked harder and kicked the door a few times

The door immediately flew open and he screamed "THE HELL?!"

"Sorry...I was just coming to let you know you completely flew to the wrong city! Not sure how that could happen, how long have you been flying?" I asked

He looked really upset now and said "I flew exactly where I was supposed to ma'am, have a good day"

With that he slammed the door back in my face and I was fuming with anger at this point

Trenches Baby | Lil Durk & King Von 🤞🏽❤️ [Book 1/3] (COMPLETED) ☺️ #AMustReadWhere stories live. Discover now