Sitting under the flower tree

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/A/N another day another chapter and what do I say it's time for a broken family reunion. Also I am still waiting for youre question. 


Unlike other days Was The patrolling part bretty boring so Tommy decided to ask out his friends about a picnic under this tall magnolia tree wich has started to bloom. But before he could do that he has to go to Josbee asking her if the sword was finished and totally not surprised when he found her and Ice-eye sitting together eating some cookies. But the sword was finished so he didn't say something else. Normally right after that he would go to the kids but he decided to go tomorrow morning since he had a free day then. The children might be upset for not seeing him today but would be happy if he would spend the entire next day with them together. 

Eventually he had gotten a few people coming with him to the picnic and each would bring an other food type with them. And they all just really liked this picnic with still didn't was over when the sunset came but slowly people had gone away until it was just him, Stormear and Xavea. Sitting on the blanket and watching the sky full stars. So you could say it was another wonderful day. But what would come the next day was most likely not to be expected. 


/time skip next morning /

Tommy packed his guitar and some of his old stuff together before he had gone to the orphanage/School(The two buildings are one) he had told the care taker about it and made them swear that they would not tell the kids about it. As he came to the building most kids recognised him and started running over to the respected warrior. But when he came in to the lobby where most of them were was he almost choked with hugs and love. They all started going to the meeting room which is very big but bretty great if you want to tell people something. 

,,Mister Solar? "

,,Yes Liam what is your question? "

,,Can you please tell us one of your storys off where you came from? "

,, Of course but how often did I tell you guys that you can call me Tommy "

He didn't first know what to tell them but one thing came up in his mind the tale of the Antarctic Empire. 

,, So there was a place really far from here where I used to live before my second home it was called the Antarctic Empire. It was a great Kingdom ruled by one of the best avian. He had three sons. The oldest was wise and talented in fighting and even better than me or Xavea "

,, But that isn't possible you two are so good at fighting "

,, Yes it is possible it just depends on what you fighting for. But now let's continue. The second oldest Was The others twin and was only younger by two minutes. His voice sounded like the song of a siren and had also a stronger leader ship. But the youngest felt as if he could do nothing he wasn't wise strong or good at singing like the others but what he didn't know is that he has the power to motivate others or to get others on his side but soon the greatest Kingdom started to fall apart the two youngest son's started their own nation while the oldest traveled across the world to fight the strongest people of multiple countrys or Kingdoms. But what the King did is still unknown. "

The kids stared at him with disbelief some said that they never heard of it or how he could know something like this. But then one kid spoke up. 

,,You considered you're self as unwise but yet you're the wised man we have ever known. "

Tommy was clad that nobody else heard it so he quickly made a 'shhh don't tell them' gesture to the kid with was sitting next to him. It quickly gave him a small smile before it nodded. 


Tommy stood up quickly the kids were sad that he had to leave so early but they could understand it. He stormed out of the building only to met up with Xavea and Stormear. 

,,What happened and why is it so dangerous for that Storm has to come with us?"

,, I will explain on the way! "

He equipped his armor which he always has with him.(Since I made it look like a normal world they have a magical cube on their belt with consume the armory of the sertain person and can only be unlocked by them.) The three stormed out to the Kingdom border since there were a few witnesser who saw a bunch of people who didn't look quite nice and didn't respect the nature like they do. 

As the three now stood on a blank place of the forest checking if someone were there had Storm heard a rustle from a bush which was to loud for a animal in this area. As he came closer a tall men jumped out of it he had golden hair and black wings(look it's Philza)  wich could almost be cleared as raven wings but they were different . He held his netherite sword tight in hand. Solar aka Tommy was also attacked but it took him a moment to recognize the ram hybrid. 

,,Tu-Tubbo? "


Cliffhanger but who are you to blame me for doing that. 

922 words and I am still happy about what I have reached in ten days thank you guys so much. 

And until the next chapter everyone. 

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