New people / New home

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/a/n the top picture is a map of the SMP it will also play an important role later in the story also since I didn't really describe how Stormear looks like here is a picture of him

/a/n the top picture is a map of the SMP it will also play an important role later in the story also since I didn't really describe how Stormear looks like here is a picture of him

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/a/n the picture and also the cover are made with the RPG character maker from Picrew 

/Back to Tommy and Stormear/

,,Tom's we need to move if you want to reach the kingdom today!"

,,Let me fucking sleep! "

Storm sighed and gave himself a facepalm.He started to pack his and Tommy's stuff before he pushed Tommy into the water to wake him up. After a while of walking and an angry child who was just angry to be waked up with water. They finally reached the gates of the Kingdom.

,,hey Storm, how is this place even called? "

,,sorry that I didn't tell you but the Kingdom is called Dragonia you will have to stay awhile since youre wings will start to grow when you will turn 18 and since then how about you join my sister to train for the knightshood of our kingdom I think she would like you pretty much"

Stormear said while both of them walked through main city. Here were many villagers doing there job. There were more than in any other nations or kingdoms Tommy had seen except one or two kingdoms that were called Hypixel and Hermitcraft so it was incredible for him. Some people just stared other ignored the two until three guards walked over to them. 

,,Hello Stormear still playing wizard like a small child? "

,,No but I have a question for you are you still playing dipshit?"

The guy formed his hand into a fist and was almost near hitting Stormear. Tommy reaching his hand out to stop him hitting Storm only to be hold down by one of the other guys. He could feel anger building up in him before the guy was shot by a fireball. Tommy stared in disbelief on his hand with was on fire. He could see the fear of the three guards rise when he looked in their eyes. It was one thing he learned on the battlefield reading people movement and emotions just by looking in their Eyes. The three of them scattered and it looked like nobody even noticed it cause everyone was just doing their stuff like before. Tommy stood up and reached Storm his hand out (the one which wasn't on fire). Since Tommy hadn't found out how to control it he decided to clam down but was still a little bit pissed off that guard. 

,,what's wrong with that asshole "

,,You can control fire and even create it?"

The flame in the blonde's palm got out still a little bit hot but the fire was at least out. He couldn't even realize that Storm kept pushing him since he still doesn't even understand how that just happened. 

,,Welcome to my Home Phoenix boy hope you won't mind my Mentor since this is the place you will life in until you get your one home"

,,Welcome to my Home Phoenix boy hope you won't mind my Mentor since this is the place you will life in until you get your one home"

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It looked quite nice compared to others Tommy had seen. It had at least 4 floors and big stand with many different weird but also beautiful things. On the side of the House hung a little sign saying /Iceeye magical and paranormal things/(the name is spelled Ice-eye if you are confused). 

/Bonus chapter : Stormear's thought when he had met Tommyinnit /

I was walking around gathering herbs for a new potion I wanted to make but then I heard a rustle from a bush near me. My ears peaking to catch more other sounds. Then I heard the sound of a bag being placed down the sound was numb but made a little Kling sound the sound of iron hitting stone. I carefully walked near it only to see a boy around my age sitting on the ground looking at the sunset. He holded something in his hand with was a bird feather. As I looked closer it was a Phoenix feather not from any Phoenix it was from an celestial Phoenix (dang that were a lot of Phoenix in one sentence) I allowed myself to take a good look at the child to. His clothes were ripped and dirty his hair had grown a little long and was dirty as well meaning that whatever he made through wasn't good for him.

,, We're did this even come from? "

,,You don't have to wonder where it came from. "

I could see him flinch. I shrugged a little bit but his smile was calming and warm like he hasn't seen a human in awhile. His eyes were a bit dull. 

,,Who are and what do you mean with you don't have to wonder where it came from? "

,,well my name is Stormear and what's your name? "


849 words man I spent 2 hours at writing this and 1,5 for the map because I was lazy. But I hope you liked today's chapter and I will see you next chapter everyone. 

Also if you want me to make a Q&A chapter when I hit 100 reads I would be really happy since I am doing this just for fun. So thank you who read my book. 

The winged Soldier /Tommyinnit auOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant