Story tell

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/A/N Today's chapter is special because I will explain what happened in the two months were Tommyinnit was in the Kingdom Dragonia. Also I ask you ones again for questions because I am doing a Q&A once again. So thank you really much for all those nice comments and for all those readers who find this story great. Also I found my cat laying on my father's table it was pretty funny. 

As I said I will now explain what happened in those months. Since Tommy was still in training by the beginning had he gotten bretty much being beat up by Xavea's skill. Much like Techno did. 

In the first month he did pretty much training and waiting for his house to be finished. He also could now say that he has a wonderful family bond with Stormear's family and that was great for him. He also learned guitar and sat pretty often in the living room playing the national anthem of L'manburg. After three weeks he finally managed to win against Xavea but that was only one time. He also had his 17 Birthday and had found the party bretty great. His house was also finished meaning that he could move in. But before he could had done it he started growing his wings with like I said was pretty painful but they managed getting through that. But still flying was also a problem but after a few crashes he did it. 

As the second month began so does his magic course controlling his fire power was not that easy because they are controlled by emotion so much like him .Phil always said that he thinks with his heart first. And in his free time he was by an orphanage or by a school telling them stories. Like about his times when he fight for his friends and country but yet so beautiful story about other mythic creatures he had met or just about the things he saw that day. He would also bring things with him for them. He often played his brothers song for the kids. You could probably say he had gone soft since his amount of swearing had gotten back but he was still a bit fast to anger. But not to much to go in a rage mode of himself. 

After he was made on of the best knight's from the king. He didn't just get a new name but also an apprentice with the name Xayden who was pretty good at the time but loses track of things very often but after training you could always see him much happier before they even had beginning to train. He often came with him to his house just to talk and laugh about their lives. Stormear was also finished with his magic training and had finally beaten those three guards who he had met at his first day. So did Xavea she managed to make it to the head position about the army and military of the Kingdom. Tommy was proud of her since he saw her more of a sister than he would admit. Ice-eye had often gone to Josbee to have a few conversations and their new addition of magical books or things they got in the last few days. 

So you could say he had a good time in those two months. 


562 words not that long but it was a special so please if you want leave a few questions about me or the story for the Q&A . And still I can't thank you guys enough for the support like how old is this story. 9 days and yet almost at 2k reads thank you so much. 

Until the next chapter everyone. 

The winged Soldier /Tommyinnit auWhere stories live. Discover now