First Day (Part 1)

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Athena and Harriet walked into their first class of the day, English with Mrs. Beast, also known as Ben's mother. She was a bit startled when the two walked in, but when they showed her their schedules with a genuine smile, Belle began to see why her son wanted them to come to Auradon Prep as much as he did. They just wanted to learn and make friends with people, not bullying every vulnerable person they could see. So, Belle sat them down in the front next to two of her favorite students, besides Ben of course.
Holly Fitzherbert

And Luke (he's the son of Tiana and Naveen but idk their last name because it's never provided so just make one up)

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And Luke (he's the son of Tiana and Naveen but idk their last name because it's never provided so just make one up)

And Luke (he's the son of Tiana and Naveen but idk their last name because it's never provided so just make one up)

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"Hey! I'm Holly!" The blonde fretted with a big grin. Athena smiled back. "I'm Athena Olympus." Harriet cut in with a smirk. "And I am the fabulous Harriet Hook!" Laughing, Luke responded, "I'm Luke. How are you guys liking the school so far?" "It's cool! Thought that their would be more prejudice against us, but so far, it hasn't been that bad!" Harriet replied, her smirk growing wider and her eyes sparkling with joy at the thought of no prejudice for her sexuality or parentage. "Is that a pansexual backpack?" Holly asked, curious about it. "Yep! I'm a proud pansexual! What about you guys?" The two looked at one another, nervous about their reaction. "Well... I'm gay and Holly is asexual..." Luke whispered, looking around as if he was being watched. "There's nothing wrong with that! I mean, I'm bi and it's fine on the Isle. We knew that it most likely wasn't accepted as much here, but from know on, we're gonna be your pan and bi bffs!" Athena reassured them with a grin. Smiling the four had made an immediate bond and knew that they would not regret meeting one another.

As the class went on, Belle noticed that the four students got along extremely well and had even made plans to find each other at lunch and sit with one another and any other friends that the two would make throughout the day. Belle made herself a mental note to tell her husband about this to get him more relaxed about the villain children being in Auradon.

Time skip brought to you by whatever Prince Naveen's last name is~

Next, the girls, including Holly, had physics with Mr. Varian who was actually Holly's uncle! Athena and Harriet knew as soon as they entered the room that the teacher would see past their parents and focus on who they were, mainly as he was telling the story of how he was once a villain as well to the students in his class. However, none of the students seemed to care and were gossiping about the two girls as they walked up to the teacher and showed him their schedules, asking if they were in the right class. He nodded and let the three sit together, but on the way to their seats, Audrey, who was also in the class, tripped Athena and made her knock her head on the desk in front of her. "MISS BEAUTY! THAT IS DETENTION FOR THE NEXT MONTH FOR PURPOSEFULLY HURTING ANOTHER STUDENT!!" Varian yelled as he ran to Athena, who was now unconscious and bleeding from her forehead. Audrey, expecting congrats from her teacher for defeating a villain, was shocked when she got detention. What would her family think of her? What would BEN think of her?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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