Chapter 37: Kidnapped Pt.3

Start from the beginning

"Guys, you really think this is a good idea? Rita's only a girl! This is the first time we've ever hunted goblins. Won't there just be more of them down there?" Sierra's eyes wander between us, hoping to find some support.

"Sis, I'm going to be fifteen this year! And I'm the same level as you. I can take care of myself." The little girl has a bit more spine in her than her older sister. Or perhaps the big one is just feeling responsible for her safety. Regardless, it's over when Rita puts her hand up, "I'm with the boys on this one! I'd rather die fighting than wait for the goblins to come! Besides, it stinks in here! I won't be able to sleep!"

"Rita..." Sierra is outvoted. Doubtfully, she picks up her gear. "Fine then, I guess we go. Please though...we're not solo Hunters like you, Tepis. We're not fighters. Mr. Hei's a low level. Remember that."

"I will."

"You won't leave us behind, will you?" Rita asks fearfully. I don't know what compels me, since she's talking to Tepis, but I reach over, and pat her head.

When have I heard this before?

She looks up with a scared face and I put on the closest thing to a smile I've had since coming back. The muscles in my face don't work anymore so I hope it doesn't look too scary. Trying to open my mouth, I can't quite say anything reassuring, so I start to raise my notepad, but the little girl pushes my wrist down.

"Thanks, Mr. Hei! We know what you mean. As Sierra always says, we'll have to trust each other!"

"When did I say that?"



The darkness is no place for little girls or people who have been locked in Void Prisms for a year. Ever-present scampering feet pad through the tunnels, causing our breaths to catch. My cold indifference has trouble asserting itself, sometimes, I'm overwhelmed by fear. Other times, I forget that dying here could be the worst mistake in my many lives, and my mood borders on reckless carelessness. It's hard to say whether the goblins are still looking for us. Their limited intelligence usually causes them to give up on the chase after a short while, but I don't know about these mutant variants which usually only appear in higher-level dungeons.

"Shh..." Tepis puts a finger to his lips as a patrol walks by us. It's the first we've seen in a long time. Like I said, the density of this place makes no sense. Usually, Feral Goblins tend to spread out all over a dungeon, you'll run into one or two everywhere. However, this place is completely different. You can walk for half an hour and not run into a single goblin. But when you do...they're not alone.

Lvl. ?? Goblin Swordsman

Lvl. ?? Goblin Archer

Lvl. 15 Feral Goblin


The patrol features two mutants and four Feral Goblins. While we should be able to engage such a group with Tepis's System Weapon on our side, their sheer numbers are a problem. There's no way we could kill them before they sounded the alarm. Quietly, all we can do is sink back into the shadows and wait for the patrol to pass.

*Snuffle Snuffle*

One of them raises its head as it pads past our hiding spot. I can just see its wrinkly, bald head quivering as it tries to suss out the smell. I hope the legends about goblins aren't true. They can't really sniff out human children...can they? That has to be horse crap-


It moves on without discovering us and several sighs of relief come out next to me. Regardless of the legends, it seems we're too covered in goblin scent, or just too stealthy to notice.

"That was too close." Sierra gasps in relief. "We're really going to go deeper into that?"

"Honestly, I'm just surprised we haven't run into more by now. Let's keep moving." Tepis wipes the sweat from his brow. The younger boy is impressively cool under pressure.

If he had a little more time and was willing to leave this place, would he become strong enough to join the frontlines?

I'm still not sure exactly what his level is, but based on he handled the goblins earlier, he's probably past Lvl. 20. Which means that in terms of a one-on-one fight, I'd expect him to be able to hold his own against System Monsters less than five levels higher than him. Even if two mutant variants ganged up on him, I'd still say he'd be okay with his scimitar's active ability. The problem comes when we consider the rest of the party.

Rita and Sierra don't have the experience to kill the mutants on their own. They might be able to tank, but they won't finish them off. As for myself...that Goblin Shieldmaiden was a bad matchup, but even if I faced any of the other mutant variants, with a ten-level gap...I'd at most be able to handle one. Which means if my math is correct, as a party we could theoretically take on five mutant variants and some Feral Goblins at the same time. Any more and either we run or be prepared to suffer loses.


"Do you hear something?" Sierra hisses. Her hands brush the top of her head. "You feel that?"




Rita doesn't finish responding before the ceiling shatters. Chunks of rock fall down on us for the second time today, accompanied by a deafening cacophony which drowns out all other sounds.


Then the floor caves in. And we're sent tumbling down.

Oh come on!



My stomach drops out sickeningly from underneath me and I don't know what to do with my hands.

Should I protect my head or cushion the fall?

Before I can decide, the world hits my butt and white light explodes in my head as I smack right down onto the next floor of the dungeon. Stars dance behind my eyelids, but I force myself to squint into the white clouds of chalky dust. Everyone's coughing,

"Sierra? Rita? Hei?" Tepis's voice calls out. "Anyone hurt?"

"N-No...I'm okay. Rita? Where are you?" Sierra replies. She pauses waiting for a response. But for the longest time, no one answers, "Rita?"


A noise I'll never forget comes in that moment. One which freezes even my frozen heart. The little cackle of a goblin disappears along with the echoes of Rita's scream.

It has her.


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