Chapter 22: Lurker

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I whirl around, taking my eyes off the fight for just a moment. What was that? However, when I check, no one's there. Are there other monsters here? Quickly, I pull up the System map of the dungeon but there are no other lights nearby, though, I do spot a few dots far away in other parts of the city representing other Servants of Belziarde. They're blinking and I assume that means that other Hunters are engaging them. When I turn back to the fight in front, Penelope shouts in joy!

"Look! Reinforcements!" She points to the side-alley next to us. Unfortunately, the woman is right. There are many new Hunters streaming out onto the road.

"Hahaha we caught up to the Mini Boss! Come on! Let's get it!" A fresh-faced man who I haven't seen before leads his pack of baying men like jackals smelling blood. His brilliant blue eyes are striking against the bright Hawaiian shirt he's wearing. Waving a machete, he dashes in. "Quickly! The others will be here soon!"

"Damnit..." I mutter. Despite what Penelope thinks, this is not good news. Now that other people have arrived, there's going to be more competition for the last hit. "Yin! You good?"

"Y-Yea." The beautiful girl spins on the spot and sprints back to us like a ghost. "I think it's almost over!"

"I wouldn't be so!" My words turn out to be prophetic. In a moment, as a third group of new Hunters appears on the left side of the road, the Daemonic Minotaur roars and raises its axe to the sky!



Lightning bursts down and smites the axe. The beast's chilling eyes gleam red as flames erupt from its purplish fur.

System Notification:

Lvl. ??? Daemonic Minotaur has activated skill,

Belziarde's Blessing!

Effects: ???...???!

"Everyone stay back! Whatever that just did, it's not good." I hold Yin back with a hand. In the chaos, as two more groups join the fight, I still have an uneasy feeling about the alleyway behind us.


Is it just me? Or did something move? I feel killing intent. But it's hard to tell with so many Hunters in one place. Damnit, I can't focus on two things at once!

"It's almost dead! Look it's on fire!" The leader of the third group, a tall youth with wavy red hair cackles and hefts a shovel with a sharpened point. "Kill it!"

"RAWRRRR!" A combined cheer to match the minotaur's rises up from the members of the third group. My eyes widen in disbelief. You're kidding me? You really think lightning just hit that thing by coincidence? Obviously it's powered up, not weakened! How did your ancestors survive long enough to have you!

"Oh my..." Yin beckons several members of the priest's group back. They're a little smarter. The black-suited salary woman painfully hobbles back to us, spitting on the ground.

"Ugh, this bastard almost got us!" She curses. "I'm Andie by the way."

"I'm Tatsuya! Nice to meet you!" The priest-like man also introduces himself. His white robes are oddly enough, untouched despite the brawl. He looks like he's ready for Sunday worship. "This is wild! I love this kind of game!"

"Tatsuya, shut up! This isn't a game!" Andie shouts at her friend, trying to smack him on the head. He blurs, instantly dodging with a surprisingly good reaction. The man only seems to take it in stride, smiling all the wider as if enjoying the thrill of good fun. "Sorry, he's always like this. But he knows how to fight!" She apologizes. Meanwhile, out on the battlefield, I see several of the newcomers get blown away. They tumble through the air like bowling pins and only stop when they reach walls or the road.

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