Evan's POV:

The car flew fast, and I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach.

"I'm sorry can, uh can we pull over for a second?" I gulped, keeping my feelings, and vomit down.

"Yeah, sure." He pulled to the side of the road and I felt my stomach twist in knots. I opened the door, rushing out on the side of the road and leaning down in the grass.

I heard another one of the car doors open, and in a few seconds, Jared was by my side.

He moved my bangs out of my face, just in case.

"I'm sorry, I just...feel really nauseous right now..." My hands were more sweaty than usual.

"It's 'aight baby. I get it. You okay now? Or do you wanna stay here for a few?" He asked, rubbing circles on my back.

I swallowed again, taking a shaky breath.

"I'm okay now. Sorry." I turned back to him, giving my best 'I'm fine' expression.

"Alright.." He nodded, grabbing my hands and helping me off the ground.

"Let's get you back to the car. I'll go slower, I promise." He wrapped an arm around my waist, guiding me back to the car.

"Don't apologize for it. It's okay."  I nodded in response.

I think if I try to talk again, I'm actually going to puke.

Zoe's POV:

"Sixteen year old Alana Beck, found dead in the forest behind Middleborough High. Witnesses state that at the time of the..."

All of the news stations were focused on this topic and this topic alone.

Alana Beck is dead.

People say she killed herself, but I know better.

Years of watching true crime podcasts actually benefited me in the long run.

She wouldn't have been able to get rid of the evidence that quickly. It looks like a stab wound, but with how deep it looks, there's no way she would've been able to get rid of the weapon before she died.

And I son't think she would do that. Not after The Connor Project and all of the stuff that has been going on lately.

Or maybe that was her reason.

Maybe she saw all of the attention Connor was getting after he killed himself, and she was jealous.

Would she really do that? For attention?

Oh my god...

What if she did?

I grabbed my phone, swiping the screen and unlocking it. I clicked on Evans contact, calling him. He hung up almost immediately.

That's weird..

Maybe I'll call Jared. This is my last resort. Clicking on his contact, I dialed him. He didn't answer either.

They're probably just busy. It should be okay...

Everything is going to be fine. This is just a dream. I'll wake up soon.

Jared's POV:

If Zoe calls us one more time, I'm going to cry.

Evan was practically hyperventilating next to me as we held hands on top of the middle console. I rubbed my thumb over his knuckles as an attempt to calm him down.

"What if she knows? What if she's at the police station right now, telling them it was us?! What if-" I cupped his face with my other hand, "Those are just 'what if' questions. They show all of the negatives. And for once, we need to think positively." I repeated the exact sentence I told myself last night.

He nodded, his breathing pattern getting back to normal. I gave his hand a small squeeze, giving his a small, but genuine smile.

"Breathe. It's going to be okay. We're going to be okay." I reassured him, giving him a small kiss on the nose.

I saw a weak smile tug at his lips, our breath being the only audible noise at the moment.

I felt his lips on mine for a short moment as he gave me a small peck. We both smiled as I let out a lighthearted giggle.

"Alright, let's get going." I turned the key again, the engine growling as it started up. I stared intently at the road, starting to drive.

"But where are we going? Do you have a plan?" He asked, leaning forward to get into my field of vision.

"I kinda had a plan if it's okay with you."
"What would that plan be?"
"Wanna go to Michigan? Leave everything behind? Start a new?" I bit my lip, hoping that he wouldn't hate me after saying this.

About five seconds went by before anyone said anything.

"Yeah. We can do that. Why not." He looked out the other window, away from me. He seemed sad, maybe even disappointed.

"We don't have to if you don't want to, it was just an offe-"
"No, I'm okay with it. Whatever you want to do." He said coldly.

"Is something bothering you?" I put a hand on his shoulder, but he shrugged me off.

"Everything is bothering me. All of it. We just killed an innocent girl, I slit my wrists, I broke up with my girlfriend, we're...I don't even know what we are. And now we're on the run! We should be in an insane asylum!!" He turned to me, I just now realized that he was sobbing.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down honey...slow down." I glanced at him for a few quick moments, but still tried to drive. I looked back at the road, but my eyes still slightly flickered between the road, and Evan.

He leaned back on the seat, staring at the ceiling. "I can't believe we actually did this." He let out a forced chuckle. It shook me to the core. It terrified me how he could be so...cold.

I had no appropriate response for this. Anything I would say would be insensitive or rude.

"Me neither..." I kinda mumbled, realizing that I've had a death grip on the steering wheel this whole time. I let my hands go a bit, moving them in an attempt to relax.

It was completely silent for a long while, apart from the car that was rolling on the concrete.

I was focused on driving, and Evan seemed to be focused on the hem of his blue polo shirt.

"Hey Jer?"
"Yeah baby? What's up?" I asked, not looking up from the road.
"What are we...?" His voice was soft and quiet.


Shut up, I need to comfort him right now.

Well it's true.


"What do you want us to be?" I raised an eyebrow. My hands were vibrating.

"I...can you...can you be my boyfriend? Please? You don't have to if you don't want to like, seriously I don't want to pressure you into this relationship if you don't want-" He began to ramble, breathing heavily.

"Evan." I put an arm around his shoulder, rubbing his arm.

"I'd love that." I gave him a warm smile, leaning my head on his shoulder while simultaneously trying to drive.

I looked down at Evan, who smiled widely at this.

I think everything is going to be a-ok.

Hahahahaha yeah, no. Not everything is going to be 'a-ok'. Just you wait, Jared. So anyways, hope y'all enjoyed. *Thomas Sanders voice* Goodbye guys, gals, and non-binary pals! Peace out🤚 (Y'all who aren't fanders are probably really confused rn)

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