Trust issues

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Yellow: "HELP!! HELP!!"
Yellow came in the cafeteria running and screaming like a crazy person. They quickly crouched down behind White, terrified and crying their eyes out.
Yellow: "Oh my god oh my god...oh my god oh my god oh my god."
White: "Yellow? Yellow what's going on? Answer me!"
Yellow: "Oh dear god..."
White: "Yellow what the fuck is going on?? Answer me!"
Yellow kept crying their heart out and not acknowledging White's question.
White, out of frustration, whacked Yellow on their cheek.
White: "Jesus! Did you come to your senses now?!"
Yellow: "Y-yes..."
White: "Ok then. Now, will you tell me what the hell is going on and why are you acting like a fucking maniac?"
Yellow: "Um...l-Lime I s-saw them..."
White: "So? What do you mean you saw them? Speak more clearly will you..."
Yellow: "I saw Lime holding a k-knife...Purple was also t-there. They looked scared."
Black: "Wait...What."
Lime: "Don't listen to Yellow! They're lying! They're not telling the truth!"

Lime came in, denying the accusation. Purple also followed behind, looking frightened than ever.
Pink at this point didn't know what to believe. White is clearly not the imposter, they seem way too stupid. Yellow? Nah too much of a coward but who knows. Lime hasn't really done that much, but they're a possible suspect. Purple isn't that much of a suspect. Yeah, Black said that Purple is the imposter but can you really trust Black after they pulled their knife on Pink? Nope. Black is the imposter but the moment Pink attempts to let everyone else know is the moment they'll probably die.

Purple: "White, don't listen to Lime! Yellow is telling the truth! They were about to kill me!"
Pink: "Oh lord what the fuck is going on..."
Black: "I'm asking myself the same thing-"
Pink: "Shut up Black"
"Will you two just calm the fuck down for one minute?!?!?" White yelled. That yell echoed throughout the room and the corridors. Everyone gathered around the center table of the cafeteria and White pressed the emergency meeting button.


White: "Alright, now that everyone has calmed the fuck down I want you guys to hear me out. We'll hear out what Yellow, Lime, and Purple have to say and then we'll choose who to kick out because I'm sick of all this and I want the imposter gone! Yellow, you go first."
Yellow: "Ok um while White & Black were talking, I noticed Purple and Lime weren't here. I thought it was suspicious and I got a bad feeling so I went looking for them. When I went to the Upper engine, I Immediately saw Lime holding a knife-"
Lime: "See that's where you don't get it! I wasn't the one that pulled the knife on Purple-"
White: "Lime will you shut the fuck up?! Anyway Yellow please continue."
Yellow: "s-So back to what I was saying, I saw Lime holding a knife with a shocked look on their face and-"
Lime: "I was shocked because Purple-"
White: "If you don't shut your mouth once and for all and let us hear out what Yellow has to say, I will throw you out of this ship with no hesitation."
Lime: "..."
White: "That's what I thought. So Yellow you were saying?"
Yellow: "And Purple was trembling. I heard Purple say something like "What the hell-" before they both turned around and saw me. Purple quickly told me to go get help, and so I did. Thankfully, Lime didn't start chasing me right away. That's when I came in the cafeteria screaming. I was terrified and my heart was beating like crazy."
White: "Alright. So that's your side of the story. Purple, your turn."
Purple: "Thank you, White. While you and Black were chit-chatting and stuff, I heard a noise coming from the Upper engine. I was hesitant going there but I couldn't help myself. So I went there, like the idiot I am and I saw Lime just standing there and messing with what was probably the wires or something."
Lime: "That's a lie! That's a fucking lie-"
White: "This is your final chance. If you don't shut up, you will get kicked out. Purple continue."
Purple: "I asked them what they were doing here all alone and out of nowhere they pulled their dagger on me! Like I had no idea what to do. I just froze. That's when I heard a slight gasp and I turn around to see Yellow staring at us. I tell them to immediately go get help and at that point I expected Lime to get rid of me but somehow they just ran after Yellow and left me alone."
White: "Ok then. Lime things aren't looking good for ya buddy but let's see now. What's your story?"
Lime: "Since Purple is acting like a foolish little innocent victim, here's what really happened. I was minding my business when I heard a bang. It sounded like it came from a vent. So I checked it out but there was nothing there. I took a closer look and I noticed the wires looked a little messed up, so, like any normal crewmate, I started fixing them. I heard some footsteps behind me and I turned around only to see Purple holding a knife and then they forcefully shove it in my hands. That's when they put on their stupid little act and they were like "oH No wHaT tHe HeLl dUdE?" and then Yellow comes out of nowhere and just looks at us and starts running. I personally think we should kick both Yellow and Purple out, because Purple is the imposter and Yellow, instead of just immediately reporting right away, they just pretended like they didn't know Purple was the imposter the whole time! Let's just kick them both out and get this over with!"
White: "Lime, uh...why are you so insistent on throwing Purple and Yellow off the ship? You're looking very sus you know that right? Is it because maybe they saw you vent or mess with the doors or the wires and stuff?"
Lime: "C'mon White! You have to believe me! Not everything they say is true!"
White: "Hmm...let me think for a second."
White takes a small breath and opens their mouth to say something.
White: "Ok, I think I've made a decision..."

The Imposter Among us [Black & Pink fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now