Be aware of your surroundings

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It was starting to get really intense in the spacecraft. The crew was smaller and quieter. The tasks were around 40% done. The thought that the imposter might still be on the ship lingered throughout everybody's mind and it made their heart pump harder, hitting their chest.
Yellow and Lime started to stick together since that last dreadful event.
As for Purple, well, let's just say they stayed by themselves and they suspected almost everyone or at least it seemed like it.
Things were going...smoothly so to speak.
White's behavior has gotten somewhat strict I guess you could say? They've been telling the other crewmates where they should be and other stuff.
Needless to say, everyone just listened to White because let's be honest they needed some guidance after what happened the last few hours. They just listened and proceeded with what they had to do.
Pink and Black seemed to have an eerie aura around them. Well, mostly Black if we're going to be honest. They gave the impression of being rather cold towards Pink and they seemed more easily distracted. Black obviously felt something for Pink but they weren't sure if that was some type of deep affection or maybe Black was just too overprotective of Pink.

So with half of their tasks done the crewmates had some time to hang around, mainly in the cafeteria.
While they were taking a break Black was glaring intensely at Purple. Black didn't really try to hide it either.
Pink: "Black...anything wrong between you and Purple?"
Black: "'s's nothing we just disagree on a few things."
Pink: "On what? It doesn't have to do anything with the other crewmates right? Or is it just something between you guys?"
Black: "Listen Pink it has nothing to do with you. Please stop asking. I don't want you to get hurt."
Pink: "I'm still concerned about the others even if it doesn't involve me. Please tell me what's up."
Black thinks for a second but doesn't respond.
Pink: "Black...either you tell me what's up or-"
"Can we talk in Navigation please..." uttered Black quietly as they grabbed Pink's hand and they silently made their way to Navigation. Fortunately, nobody noticed.
Pink: "So...what's up? You haven't been yourself lately..."
Black: "I know, I know. That's why I wanted to talk to you. Also, I know that I've been really possessive over you these past hours and I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable in any way or if I annoyed you."
Pink: "You were possessive over me? I-I wasn't even aware of that...and no you didn't make me uncomfortable, and you didn't annoy me either...why would you think such things? Black please you've been around me long enough to know you'd never annoy me or make me uncomfortable in any way. Sure I get angry now and then but you're the only person I'm really close to on this ship. You'd never make me uncomfortable."
Black: "Oh...well um I'm glad you're not angry at me. But Pink please listen, I think Purple is the imposter like I'm convinced they're the imposter."
Pink: "You're convinced? Did you see them kill Orange or Cyan or I don't know just anyone??"
Black: "I caught them venting the first time the power went out. I tried to tell someone or at least push the emergency meeting button but they threatened me."
Pink: "What are we waiting for then? Let's just go and tell White! They'll believe you!"
Black: "Pink are you out of your mind? I just told you we can't do that because they threatened me! I don't want Purple to harm you too!"
Pink: "Black losing one life is nothing! It's better to save one million people than just one. The other crewmate's lives are more important to me than mine."
Black: "Dammit Pink I can't live without you! Why are you always risking yourself for others?"
Pink: "Black I understand that you care about me but the other's lives are at risk too!"
Black: "Okay! I get it! You care about the others! But you have to understand you're the most important to me out of all the people on this ship!"
Pink: "if you're going to keep this up, I'm just going to go and tell White that Purple is the imposter."
Black desperately grabbed Pink's hand, trying to not let them go.
Black: "Pink you really don't understand. I can't let you die."
Pink: "Black you're starting to convince me you might be the imposter. I won't even be surprised if there are two imposters here. Let me go right now."
Black: "I'll let you go if you promise to not tell White at the moment and let me talk first."
Pink: "...Fine."
Black: "Okay, so I have a plan to catch Purple venting. We need evidence after all, don't you agree? There's no way White is only going to believe because I said so."
Pink: "Yeah you have a point. So what's the plan? I hope it isn't something mindless."
Black: "Well my plan is very simple. We go over to security, check what the cameras have seen these past few hours, and just show the footage to White."
Pink: "Hold on...Can we even check the camera footage of these past few hours?"
Black: "Well...uh..."
Pink: "Black..."
Black: "Well I assume we can? I've never explored that room to be completely honest. I'm sure we can."
Pink: "And what if we can't? Then what genius?"
Black: "Well, if we can't then...I guess we just go to security and watch the cameras until something happens? Listen I'm really trying to convince you to not tell White right now please just trust me on this."
Pink: "Black I don't have the time for this. I'm sorry but White needs to know. Plus we already have evidence you already saw Purple."
Black: "Yeah but there's like a zero percent chance that White is going to believe me. We still need some video footage that Purple did something only the imposter would do."
Pink: "Ok listen here. We can tell White right now. There isn't anything stopping us. We can also all go to the security room and White can check the camera footage themselves. But if we can't see the footage somehow then White's just has to believe us."
Black grabs Pink's hand as they're about to exit Navigation. This time Black is holding their hand tighter than before.
Black: "Pink I'm sorry but I can't let you do that. "
"You can't stop me, Black." Says Pink as they pull their hand and try to exit the room.

But something is stopping Pink. The door suddenly closes, right in front of them. The air is tense and Pink has a hard time breathing as their heart starts beating faster and faster. Pink is aware that they're in danger. And they can't escape.
As Black's footsteps come closer, Black pins Pink against the wall, and in the calmest voice while looking directly at Pink, Black says:
"I said I can't let you do that."

The Imposter Among us [Black & Pink fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now