chapter 25

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Barry and Caitlin was sleeping in there bed Barry was on his side and Caitlin on other side Barry start having a nightmare making him sweat and grabbed sheets.

Barry sees savitar and Caitlin kissing and turning into frost they break up and frost says "you think me and Caitlin really love you no we felt sorry your weak and pathetic while savitar is a god and strong no body loves you savitar can keep people safe by killing you let people die caity hates you most" frost says then puts ice to his chest killing him slowly why watching them kissed "goodbye flash" savitar says "cait frost please" Barry tries and say but frost kills him.

Barry wakes up to worried Caitlin she sees his tears Barry can barely breath "baby it's ok your fine it's me what happening" she just cradle him "please say something I love you" "do you and frost love me or do you feel sorry please be honest" "of course we do why" Barry sniffs "Nightmare I saw savitar and you kissing then frost took over and kissed him then she said you two felt sorry for me calling me weak and pathetic and how savitar opposite and can keep people safe by killing and I LET everyone die and no one loves me then she through ice my chest making me fall I watched them two kissed again then savitar said some thing I tired talk to you and frost but she kill me then".

"It was nightmare not real me and frost love you Barry not savitar or ever he gone we love you your heart kindness good" Barry lies back down in bed "go sleep cait I'm going get fresh air" "barr" "I'll just need fresh air I'll be fine" he kissed her "sleep cait ok I'll see you in morning" he gets changed and leave.

Next morning Caitlin wakes up seeing Barry not there she cries take shower and comes out to see Barry sleeping on sofa she just get blanket put it over him and went to jittles she text Cisco to meet she kissed Barry forehead and left.

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