chapter 17

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Barry was in the field by himself as Ralph wanted day off from training he was fighting a meta who get metal out of hand or control it they were in the park Barry was taking people away to keep them safe Harry h.r Caitlin and Cisco was in the cortex "Barry can you hear me if you can get to him fast please" "I'll do my best boss" Barry said to Cisco that made Cisco grin made Caitlin smiled "um honey I could use frost help if she want to" Barry said to Caitlin through the comms Caitlin grinned.

Cisco open a breach Caitlin was in her frost outfit

"Need a hand flash" she smirked he smiled and speed beside  her "aw you couldn't take care of just me show you ask this hotty to do it for you you are so weak flash" Barry just chuckle then turn to worry  when he saw family still there Barry speed...

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"Need a hand flash" she smirked he smiled and speed beside  her "aw you couldn't take care of just me show you ask this hotty to do it for you you are so weak flash" Barry just chuckle then turn to worry  when he saw family still there Barry speed away to put them safe then came back "freeze his hands frost" "on it" she tried to freeze hand but before she got to it the meta created a metal staff and throw it at frost it was about to hit her but Barry  speed which hit his side stomach sticking in.

Frost got angry and froze the man hands he scream in pain breach open Cisco came out in his suit and blast him Frost took Barry arm and whisper "come on baby please" they went through breach into cortex and Caitlin changed back from frost and went straight to med bay "had to save me" she said "I would never let something happen to or frost did it once not letting you go through it again" he said touching her cheek"

"I have to take this out barr but it will hurt Cisco hold him down" Cisco had tears "it's ok man I got you" he hold Barry hand they give something to bite "you got this Allen" Harry said Barry looked at ceiling Caitlin kissed his lips "I love you" he touched his cheek and nodded she pulled metal staff out of Barry side making him scream with bitty thing in his mouth.

After Caitlin stitch Barry up just then wally iris Joe then Ralph came seeing frost in with Barry holding his hand as Caitlin was tired and feeling emotion watching Barry hurt her seeing when zoom broke his back "what happen"said Joe to Cisco "meta hurt Barry frost was with him he saved her though" he nodded "how is she" asked wally "she hasn't come out yet Caitlin upset".

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