chapter 15

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Barry and Caitlin got up to cortex and she went straight to gurney saw harry talking to Ralph "hi am Caitlin snow" "Ralph dibney" "so what powers do you have Ralph" "I can stretch which is amazing do you like people stretch" he said with flirt tone that pissed Caitlin and frost off making her changed into frost "don't flirt with her she taken got it or you wanna me freeze a place you can't pee" she scolded Barry came in   "frost" she stop and looked at Barry he took her arm lifted her up over his shoulder Cisco saw "what's going on why you have frost over your shoulder" "need talk to her and she was ready hurt Ralph" Barry then looked at julien "your fired julien get out of my building ever kiss another person girlfriend again say goodbye your lucky I'm asking you get out for good."

Barry put them in time vault and put frost on her feet "What happen" "Ralph flirting with Caitlin and that pissed me and caity off and yes threating his thingy off I hate people do that to me I might be bad but I don't do that when I have someone I love" she said looking away Barry smiled at her "frost" she looked at him "I love you too but people will flirt with your or Caitlin your hot but don't threat with them your good person now just say you have boyfriend which you do ok" she kissed him and hug him tight Barry kissed her head "I do love you Barry" "I don't like you" "what" she said looked at him " I really love you so much" he said she laugh hit his chest they hugged then she heard him saying something that shocked her "I accept your offer and cait in marriage" she look then he went on his knee.

"I've got two rings one for you and one for cait so you first" he took out ring for frost "frost or frosty when I first saw you I did feel some thing that kiss we might not know each other that long your still working on finding what you want than just part of Caitlin and I will be hear helping whenever until you don't need me I love how you had tough start but made it to other side that what makes you a hero I saw from start I love you frost until my dying breath so will you marry me my frost" she had tears "yes" he put ring on her kissed him.

Caitlin transform back "my sweet cait I love you since I woke up since we sang summer loving your past and present and future I will love you also until my dying breath which isn't until I'm truly ready but not yet what you been through is what made you strong stronger from me and Cisco sorry Cisco but true you kind sweet sexy and smart you and frost are love of my life beautiful sexy and something for you and frost meant to say is I love your body with or without clothes Caitlin will you marry me"  she laughed with tears also "yes" he put the other ring on her finger then he stood up kissed her.

"Let's tell the team" "yes ms snow".

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