1 (S)

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So, put your arms around me tonight
Let the music lift you up
Like you've never been so high...


*Trigger Warning- Substance Abuse and mild violence*


He says, looking straight at me. I lower my head, tears escaping my eyes. My back is pounding with pain, scattered with deep blue bruises. Deep brown curls obstruct my vision as I kneel, trying to look at my captor with askew eyes. I shake slightly as he places a cold hand under my chin.

"What had I told you this morning, Sierra?" His voice is calm. Yes, the calm before the storm. I try to speak out, but my words are lodged in my throat. Not hearing a response, he raises my head, his grip on my chin tightening.

"Speak when spoken to. Rule number 3. Have you forgotten, already?"  he releases the grip, and the echo of the slap on my cheek deafening. Tears flow down my stinging face, and I utter the answer to the former question, "To not do anything without your permission," I pause, lowering my head.

"And what did you do?" he asks me, crouching to look at my face, his deep green eyes looking at my brown ones.

"I-I w-went to the kitchen" I whisper, more tears threatening to spill out. What I don't tell him, and he doesn't know, that I went to the kitchen to find a fucking knife to stab him with.


He stood up, pulling me on my feet as he grabbed my hair, all my thoughts of relief dissipating. 

To imagine that my life was normal yesterday.

A day before...

"Sierra! Come on, don't sleep in today!" I groaned in my sleep, rolling over as my sister slumped on my bed. "It's been a whole month since you broke up with that asshole," Caroline continued, looking at me as she rested her head on her elbow.

"So...? I don't want a break-up monthversary," I laughed, as Caroline made a pouty face. She loves celebrating everything that happens.

"We're going to the club tonight. And I made you breakfast. Pancakes. With Nutella and whipped cream..." she dragged the 'cream' and looked at me hopefully.

"Well, I can't say no to that," I replied, getting up and putting my hair in a high pony. The sun was high up in the sky, and the clock read 10:25 am. A month ago, I woke up crying because I found that  William was cheating on me. And that was the day I broke up with him.

After spending the whole day binging on Netflix, nachos, and the previous night's Chinese takeout, Caroline and I took off to the club. The black lingerie I had on complemented my black dress, and I couldn't feel more excited...because I wanted to be on my best game that night.

Blue and red lights were flooding the atmosphere, music vibrating my insides, as I walked down the considerably sticky floor. The smell of alcohol dominated my senses, and people were making out at every place that could possibly be occupied. 

A few people stumbled into me as I made my way inside, mumbling a slur of apologies, barely comprehending what was happening. I was never the one to become one of the unconscious drunks, but I allowed myself a few drinks. Even that way, I ended up being the responsible one while Caroline, even though she's elder, drinks to achieve nirvana.

A tall man bumped into me, seeming considerably sober. He turned to face me, the furious look on his face melting into an undescribable one as he yelled over the loud music, "I am sorry. I didn't mean to stumble into you." Though his apology barely seemed meaningful, I nodded, cracking a fake smile, and tried to move away.


His cold fingers moved over my hand as he pulled me back, causing me to face him. My eyes widened, and I grimaced as he smirked mischievously. 

"Did you forgive me?" he asked, his lips hovering over my ears. I paled visibly, my whole body stiffening. When I didn't reply, his hands trailed to my waist, gripping it tightly.

"Speak when spoken to, love," he said, his voice incredibly entrancing.

"I forgave you," I muttered, not sure if he heard me over the loud music.

"Good," he replied, letting go of me. "I'll see you later," he said, smirking again, looking at me like he had a world of things planned for me.

Heaving, I gathered myself from what had happened. My heart was slamming against my chest as I frantically looked for Caroline. I wanted to get out of there.

"Hey, what's up with youu?" my sister said, already tipsy, and with a drink in her hand. I tried to tell her, shaking her shoulders, but she was too into getting drunk with a guy she just met. But, who was I kidding, I wanted to get drunk after what had happened too. So, I took a drink. Or five.

"Caroline, I want to leave," I yelled, feeling sick of the atmosphere of the club.

"Loosen up, Sia. It's not like you have a douchebag to go home to," Caroline half-slurred, clearly out of her head. Caroline was my big sister, but after my parents died when I was 18, we have been each other's guardians. And this time, I had to pull her away from potentially having sex with a guy she just met. I can't bear another one of her breakdowns after having a one-night stand.

"Yeah, Sia, loosen up," the guy I had met earlier that night faced me as I turned around, keeping my martini on the table. I rolled my eyes as he smirked, leaning towards me. His slight stubble was gleaming in the shifting lights, and his eyes seemed a shade of green, but I couldn't tell for sure. He was wearing black jeans and a shirt, sleeves rolled up and the top few buttons open, giving away a glimpse of his tan abs. My fingers were tingling with an urge to touch them, but I controlled myself as I forced my eyes to look up from his sculpted body.

"I'm relieved that it's both ways. I really don't like a one-sided attraction," he said, cocky as ever. I felt like giving in to his charm, but I really didn't want to...

"Why don't you come out with me? This music's getting too much," he said, grabbing my drink and handing it over to me. I thought for a moment, but ultimately...

I gave in.

I swallowed my drink in one go, cringing as my throat burned. "Just let me tell my..." I said, looking for Caroline to inform her. When I couldn't see her anywhere, I scoffed, pitying myself as I realized that she was probably with that guy from tonight and that I would have to hear her mournful story of drunk sex. "Never mind. Let's go," I said, linking my arm with his.

My head felt lighter as I walked into the back alley, breathing in the fresh air. The drinks were probably getting to me. "So, Sia, what's your name?" the guy said, keeping a hand beside my shoulder on the wall I was leaning on.

"Sierra Havens, but most people call me Sia. It's absurd really, I don't like it, but it catches on," I ranted, looking down. Where the hell did this shy girl come from?!

"Well, Sierra, I'm Kayden Clark. Like you, I dislike contractions," he replied, pulling my head upwards with his chin. As I felt even drunker than before, I held myself up with my hand on his arm. I gave him a grin as he smiled cunningly. Suddenly, my feet lost balance as I tugged on his arm that was beside my head now. I was getting dizzier and slid down the wall as my fingers detached themselves from his sleeves. The last thing I remember before blacking out is seeing his black boots, and feeling an arm on my back.


Hey readers! This is my first story in this genre. Just trying my hand here. I hope you guys like it, and please vote and comment to encourage me to go on with this story. Your votes will motivate me to write for you every day, and if you like this story, I have a wonderful plot planned for the future. So, don't hesitate!

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