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It has been a week sense me and vinnie kissed. He broke up with his girlfriend. But we aren't official yet, I told him I wanted to take it slow. He agreed and said he would wait until I was ready.

Me and Charli were in the store grabbing school Supply for high school. Since it was starting in two days we had to get something.
C: so how are things going with vinnie
Y/n: there good, but I told him I want to take things slow.
C: that's what I said to Chase when we were together, but you know it didn't work out.
Y/n: ya, I'm sorry about that.
C: it's fine I'm glad we didn't get far, he would probably use me for sex.
Y/n: ya I hope vinnie doesn't do that to me.
C: Ok let's get off this topic, what are you most excited for this year?
Y/n: to get drunk!
C: that's my girl!

After me and Charli were done getting are things, we headed to sway to hang out with the boys. Avain had gotten close to Anthony, dixi had gotten close with Noah, and Charli surprisingly got close with jorden.
Me and vinnie we're sitting on the couch when he got up and started clapping.
V: I have a announcement! I am moving to the hype house!!!
Everyone: whooo wo wo

I didn't know why I wasn't excited. Probably because the hype house was toxic. But what ever made vinnie happy made me happy, I just hope he doesn't get in drama.
V: baby?
Y/n: yes?
V: are you ok with me moving in to the hype house?
Y/n: ya! Just don't get in drama, you know how they are.
V: I won't! Also umm do You-
Y/n: what, what's wrong.
V: nothing, just wanted to know if you want to make it official?
Y/n: Really!
V: ya!
Y/n: omg! Yesss!!
Everyone cheered for us. I was so happy right now! Also vinnie was going to school with me and the girls so I know that I would always be safe from his ex. Because who knows what's she's capable of!?

Omg guys!!!! We made it to 125 readssss!!!!
I am sooo happy right now!

Drowning/ vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now