Chapter 2 - Oh mai gush

Start from the beginning

"You know that crap doesn't work with me." The 5'1 girl sighed and began to ascend the stairs. By the time we reached the eighth floor, which were only two flights, she was out of breath.

"I can see the light!" she gasped, her hand stretching upwards and grabbing onto nothing.

"Go before I kill you!" I hissed.

"F... Fine!" she huffed as she wiped away phantom sweat.

Two flights later, we made it to the 1046 gym. Loud chattering echoed through the small hallway and we entered the gym. About twenty students were in a straight line. Some of them looked back and waved at us when they heard Aimee's boots crying, others continued chattering amongst theirselves.

"Quiet!" A voice bellowed.

Aimee and I stopped in our tracks and looked at each other. We then joined the line and faced the front. My eyes widened in surprise.

In front of us stood a man, his hands at his sides. His eyes scanned us all as he took in every detail. I think he's 5'11, give or take. His hair is unkempt and he's wearing some type of Kara- Taekwondo uniform. The top is white with a black collar. His pants are also white with black stripes running down the side. I then spotted an Adidas logo. Around his waist is a black belt with writing in gold. There were also four gold stripes on the tip of his belt.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to Taekwondo class. My name is Master Min, and you all will refer to me as so."

Aimee scoffed and murmurs instantly erupted.

"Is this guy serious? I'm not calling anyone my damn master." said Jenny, one of my classmates.

"I see there is a problem. If you have a problem with calling me Master Min, then please see the dean. I believe he will not have a problem with changing your schedules. Taekwondo teaches discipline, integrity and indomitable spirit. If you cannot comply to these, then backtrack on what I said."

Although intimidated, I slowly raised my hand. Heads turned my way as his eyes snapped to me. His eyes were a dark brown, so brown they looked black, though they held a seriousness that forced me to try and keep eye contact.


"L-Len Hunter."

"Question?" he said as he approached me.

Although I'm 5'6, he towered over me. At this point, I wasn't sure whether or not I was a stag and he was a leopard. The way his dark eyes scanned my face caused me to look away from his intimidating gaze. I felt a smile tug at my lips and bit them. No matter what situation I'm in, I tend to smile. Google told me it's a nervous habit. I opened my mouth and closed it. Why the hell can't I say anything? I cleared my voice and put my hands behind my back.

"I... W... W-why... Why do we have to call you Master?"

"Continue." he responded.


"Master what?"

My eyes shot up to his face. I forgot his name. I nervously laughed and the class erupted in laughter. "I forgot." I frowned, "Sorry." The laughter finally died down and his eyes never left mine. I thought my heart stopped when he took a step forward. "You call me Master Min because I earned the title." People began to murmur as he turned his back and walked over to the desk.

Goosebumps erupted on my skin. How does someone have that effect, the effect to shut someone down with their dark eyes and scary demeanor? It's so hard to comprehend. I looked over at Aimee and frowned at her worried facial expression towards me.

"It's okay." I encouraged, but she only shook her head.

"I am going to take attendance. Please say 'here, sir' when you hear your name. Do I make myself clear?" We all nodded and he picked up the attendance sheet. "When you respond to me, you must say 'yes sir'. Okay?" I watched as his eyes glided from the sheet to us. I felt Aimee stiffen next to me.

"Yes sir." We all said when he called our names.

Master Min roughly threw the pencil on the floor. Some of the students jumped in surprise and he sarcastically laughed.

"The hell is wrong with him?" someone muttered. He put his hand on his belt and glared at all of us. "You all must think I'm joking? Okay then, ten push ups."

We all stood still. Never have I feared a teacher so much. After about five seconds, I went into push up position. His lips were pulled into a straight line and my heart hammered against my chest. The silence of the gym was suddenly broken by the sound of everyone getting into push up position.

"Good. Now, when you go down and come back up, you must say 'one sir'! One!" Aimee cried out as her stomach hit the floor. My arms trembled as I descended and ascended.

"One sir!" We all yelled.


"Two sir!"

This went on until ten. I died around the second or third push up, if they would be considered that. Master Min stared at us and nodded.

"Stand up!"

"Yes sir!" everyone responded.

"Good. Ian Anderson?"

"Here!" called Ian as he wiped his sweat.

Master Min stared at Ian and raised his eyebrow.

"O-oh, here sir."

By the time he was finished, he made us all do painful stretches, even though we never had on our gym uniform. After that, he made us all run around the gym five times. Aimee was done by the second lap, collapsing on the side.

I was never so happy class was finished. Master Min truly was an intimidating person. He would watch us with a stone face and would scold us as soon as we would slip. I wasn't anticipating going back to his class, but then again, I had to admire his grip on the class. The previous gym teachers would all complain about teaching our classes, but instead of complaining, Master Min made us respect, or fear him.

"Screw that." said Aimee as we descended to the sixth floor, "Screw him! Screw that class, like I'm not calling him no damn master, I'm not doing a single push up. Just because he's good looking doesn't mean he can treat people like that. He can kiss my Scottish ass, I don't care."

"You find him good looking?" I laughed, "Hell yeah, what about you?" I shrugged. "He's okay." Aimee looked at me as if I had two heads, "Girl, he probably has a six pack under that uniform. But nonetheless, the guy probably has a banana or two lodged up his ass."

"Do you want to transfer?" I asked, opening the door when we finally reached our floor.

She walked through it and gave me a face that told me she wanted that more than anything. I returned it with a smile and we parted ways.

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