Interview with spelunkadunk

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The Claimed: A Clash of Copper And Gold

What inspired you to write A Clash of Copper And Gold and how long did it take to complete the book?

The basic idea for the plot started floating around in my head about a year ago. For a while, I just enjoyed playing out different scenes in my mind. Then at some point, my main characters took on names and started to form their own identities. That was when I decided I really wanted to tell their story. I started getting serious about the story around May and completed the story in October. Now I am working on the prequel and next a sequel! 

How did you develop the main characters Toom and Niako? More importantly, what was your strategy in making them so memorable?

The tension and budding romance between Toom and Niako came first for me in planning the story. I wanted to create two characters who did not conform to any stereotypes/tropes and would play off of each other with shifting power dynamics as the story unfolds. I also wanted two imperfect characters who struggle to understand each other but end up being exactly what the other needs. I played around with different sounds for their names for a while before I felt like I had it right. Once I knew their names, their characters really came to my life in my mind. Then I started to fall in love with these characters, so I just hoped the same would happen for readers! 

What is your advice to other authors also looking to dip their hands in novel-writing?

Write the story you want to read. It's a cliche, I know, but it is so much more fun and motivating to write about what interests you most. Also, no one gets it right the first time. Just get your ideas down, give yourself grace, and keep writing! 

A burning question from avid readers on our judging team: Besides Rashika's Resistance, will there be a series after A Clash of Copper And Gold

Yes! I've already jotted down ideas and a few scenes for the sequel for "A Clash of Copper and Gold," and I will start posting chapters in a few months. I also have ideas for another manxman novel set in the same universe.

[FINISHED] Winter 2021 AwardsWhere stories live. Discover now