Chapter 23

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She was unsure of the plan's ethics.

Sure, the woman had never truly cared about ethics when it came to her joining the games, but this was different.

She would have to hurt her friends.

"Doctor, I-I-I...I don't want to do this to (Y/N)." The mysterious female spoke through a headset.

"If you remain disobedient to my orders...I may have to...remove Ms. Williams from the pool of test subjects." Said a voice, speaking to her through the headset.

There was silence for a moment, but only a moment.

She cared about Anita. And any threat to kill the soldier would be taken seriously.

"Fine, I'll do it." She gave up on resisting the unknown caller.

The woman ended the call, and wearing a dark gray cloak with black boots, she was ready to strike.

All the lady had to do was find Revenant, and if he happened to be with (Y/N), separate them from each other.

This isn't right...

But it's the only way I will get what I want...

(Y/N) couldn't stop thinking about Revenant, and how they had to fix them.

When he was in terrible pain, they wanted nothing but to stop the pain. Although they would not go as far to kill him, as death for the simulacrum can only end the painful sensation temporarily. Everytime he came back, it hurt more, and his wish for death magnified.

Though (Y/N)...

They were...his reason to go on...

What else did the synthetic nightmare have?


Nothing...except for a friend hr had platonic feelings for...

He was alone in his room, pondering about how (Y/N) had fixed him.

Revenant loved them. He cared about them so much, that it went beyond his will to die. Although he still longed for eternal death, the simulacrum would wait until (Y/N) had finally been put to their final rest, before finally committing suicide, assuming death would be possible for him at that point.

But that would likely not happen for a while, assuming (Y/N)'s death were to come naturally. Revenant would likely stay for a few decades.

Of course...if someone were to...murder (Y/N), the nightmare's plans would change...

He never stopped thinking about (Y/N)...

Were they really that important to him?



Unfortunately for the simulacrum, he was forced to end his romantic thoughts concerning his love interest, as someone had quietly opened the door, but loud enough for the nightmare to hear it.

In a flash, he pinned a mysterious legend up against the wall, holding a knife against her flesh.

He knew exactly who it was.

"Trying to hurt me again, girlie? You might want to stop, before you get your ass kicked a second time...I will enjoy watching..."

She kicked him away. "Save it. I know what they are capable of, and if they come in this room..." The woman explained while pulling out an R-99.

"I'll be prepared..."

The simulacrum howled in laughter. The girl's bravery was amusing to him. "How adorable. You think I fear you? I have lived through hell for centuries. I know what is truly worthy of attaining your fear. I thought you would know that too..."

Not like the others... Revenant x Brave!Strong!Short!Rude!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now