Chapter 22

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I don't care how difficult this is.

I don't care how long this takes.

I need to fix him...

And they were determined, although the fixing process had lasted for more than 3 hours. More hidden injuries were discovered on Revenant's mechanical body. More injuries that would take up time.

The synthetic nightmare was impressed with the work (Y/N) had completed. They fixed his bullet wounds, but still had to reattach his arm.

"Heh, didn't think you of all skinsuits would know how to fix a robot, much less a simulacrum." Revenant joked.

More like SIMPulacrum, despite probably not simping for anyone. (Y/N) remained quiet, focused on fixing their crush's arm.

When it came to robotics, (Y/N) knew the basics. They could repair minor damages, but as to how they were able to help Revenant...that may stay a mystery.

Though perhaps it was their determination and persistance to help the one in need of repairs. Love was always a huge motivation for people, and (Y/N) was not an exception to this.

(Y/N) inched closer to Revenant when attempting to reunite the simulacrum's arm and the rest of his metal copy. "Okay, I need you to hold still. This...might hurt...a lot, but I'll try to ease most of the pain." They explained to the nightmare. As the process would require tugging on a few wires, which is excruciating to any simulacrum, whether built strong or with little effort.

As the first wire was pulled, Revenant let out an anguished scream. He was in true pain. He held back the urge to stab the legend in the chest, but Revenant was unable to hold still.

Although (Y/N) wanted to finish the fixing process, they couldn't handle it any longer after the fourth wire was pulled.

As the synthetic nightmare was still in agony, he felt a hand gently press on his cheek.

It was (Y/N).

They were sitting on his lap, calming him down.

" will be over soon...I promise..." They whispered. Their hand still resting where it was placed, and their voice like a beautiful serenade.

Revenant grew calmer and quieter, although shocked by what (Y/N) had just done. He was flustered, and wanted to shove (Y/N) off his lap, but...

"(Y/N)..." He grunted. "I-..." I went silent.

What they were doing...was distracting him from the pain.

After a minute of sweet whispers, they slowly removed their hand from his face, and went back to fixing Revenant, but a lot more careful, and with nurturing care.

The synthetic nightmare still felt pain, but he was too distracted by (Y/N) to care.

And within just moments, they were done.

"Well, I finished, Rev. Good as new." (Y/N) informed the murderer.

Revenant looked at his newly repaired arm, moving it in all sorts of different directions to test the range, flexibility, and durability.

It was perfect.

He looked back at them. "I-I'm not thanking you."

(Y/N) rolled their eyes, but grinned at his comment. "Sure thing, sim."

But then both legends came to the realization of the position they were in, and became flustered. Although (Y/N) was going to stand up and leave, they were froze, locking their eyes with Revenant's.

To Revenant and (Y/N), it felt like an eternity, one the synthetic nightmare wouldn't mind.

(Y/N) blushed even deeper, and averted their eyes slightly. "Hey Revenant, I-"

But their words were cut off. He would never figure out what they were going to say, as a new legend appeared, and greeted the stronger ones.

"Hi friends, what are you-" They stopped. It didn't take long to discover that Pathfinder was the one who walked in on Revenant and (Y/N)...

He paused, trying to process the entire situation. The MRVN was unsure of what actually happened, but he cane to a conclusion, that was far from the truth.

"Oh, are you two going to hug like best friends? That's amazing! I want my friends to love each other! Just like I do! I love you friends so much!" Pathfinder exclaimed, clapping with joy.

(Y/N) felt extremely uncomfortable, and got off of Revenant, which the simulacrum didn't like, but he kept that a secret to himself.

"We...aren't friends, Path." They responded to the happy MRVN.

Pathfinder displayed a sad emoji for a few seconds, until it soon changed into a lovestruck emoji. "Oh, I get it, friends!"

Both heated up legends glanced at each other for a moment, and back at the eccentric robot, curious about what he had to say.

"You two are in love with each other!" The blue legend cheered excitedly.

Not that Pathfinder was incorrect. He was most definitely right. A fact that neither legend would say aloud. Not Revenant nor (Y/N) were ready...

Not yet...

(Y/N) was bewildered by Pathfinder's odd theory. And Revenant even more. He was burning up with these feelings.

He stood up. "I don' that skinsuit."

What a lie.

(Y/N) didn't care if what the synthetic nightmare claimed was honest or not, they were too embarrassed.

They stood up, and ran away to their room. Not out of fear, but rather not wanting to face the simulacrum and confess their feelings for him.

And Revenant? Their sudden absence was upsetting to him, but he denied showing such open feelings to anyone, especially (Y/N).

The MRVN once again, presented a sad emoji. "Revenant friend, I thought you loved them! Maybe you should be nicer, or apologize! I have gained many friends by doing that!"

"I don't want friends, Path." The sim(p)ulacrum groaned. Not realizing that what he said would hurt Pathfinder greatly.

"Does that mean...we aren't friends?" The MRVN asked, clearly upset, believing that his "friend" may have not cared about him after all.

The nightmare knew he screwed up with his harsh and careless words. Although his romantic interest was (Y/N), Pathfinder was friend...

How he hated those words.

They made him sound weak and soft.

He hated it.

I hate feeling weak.

But he ignored the humiliation. Pathfinder...and especially (Y/N)...were more important to the simulacrum than a bruised ego.

"No tin can. We're...ugh, friends..." He reluctantly admitted.

"Then...what about (Y/N)? You act like you hate them, but I know you truly love them!" Pathfinder reasoned with Revenant.

The murderer sighed, not having any words for his actions.

I wish I hated them...

I don't want to love (Y/N)...

I don't want these emotions...

But I have them.

Damn, (Y/N), and nothing can change that.

Not like the others... Revenant x Brave!Strong!Short!Rude!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now