Chapter 16

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He was back.

Revenant was back again.

Where is (Y/N)?

Where are they?

And then the synthetic nightmare remembered everything. (Y/N) witnessing his own suicide, and them rushing to his aid, with a tear rolling down their cheek. Everything was dark. He could even remember all the thoughts before his death. All the thoughts that led him to where he is now.

How? How is it possible? Revenant asked himself. Everytime he dies, he is supposed to forget almost everything, or at leasts had a very vivid memory of what occured. But it was different this time.

Revenant didn't understand how this time could be any different.

Is this because of (Y/N)?

It would make sense. They have made the synthetic nightmare's life...much more interesting, per say...

He remembered everything that happened before he killed himself.

The simulacrum felt guilty by scaring the one he loved. Revenant hated himself even more. How could he have hurt (Y/N)'s feelings like that? Why did he love them in the first place? Why were they...not easy to hate?

The nightmare then made a decision. It would be his most important one yet.

I need to find them.

It had been 2 weeks. (Y/N) resided back in their room. They had carried the mechanical corpse of Revenant back to their room. (Y/N) ran their fingers along Revenant's own.

They glanced at his entire body. The simulacrum's scarf, his dead eyes, his cold metal hands, his knife-hand, even his robotic spine. (Y/N) loved every part of him. Thet didn't see a monster, but rather a beautiful soul that was once lost.

(Y/N) eventually set their sights on Revenant's loincloth. They laughed softly at a memory related to it, when Octane stole the synthetic nightmare's loincloth (Watch the Season 6 trailer!). Truly a great moment.

A lot of legends were curious about Revenant's loincloth, and others made jokes about what it's purpose was, why it was there. What was it meant to hide? But (Y/N) knew. It had no purpose at all. Why did Revenant even keep it?

They decided to take off Revenant's scarf, and wear it. (Y/N) gazed it the mirror to see if the scarf was a good look on them.

Huh, not bad... (Y/N) thought to themself.

They looked back at Revenant to see his scarfless self. They could see why he wore it. But even without the scarf, he was a beautiful robot.

(Y/N) figured it would be best if the other legends didn't see Revenant's dead mechanical body just lying on the floor of their room, so the short legend carefully placed the dead copy in their closet.

They also noticed that the scarf smelled like copper pennies and honeysuckle. Must be from all the blood. Revenant had once mentioned the smell of blood during a fight. His description matched exactly what the gender neutral legend was experiencing. (Y/N) didn't care, though. It was quite comfortable anyways!

"I miss you, Revenant..." (Y/N) whispered. Of course he wasn't here, or anyone else for that matter, but they have felt this way the whole time.

Suddenly, their door opened. A familiar legend with nicely made hair, and yellow clothing came in. "Heyyy, what's up (Y/N)? You got any-" The trickster stopped when he saw what (Y/N) was wearing.

"Uh, (Y/N)...why do you, um, have the scary murderbot's scarf?" He asked curiously.

The smaller legend then became completely flustered. "That is none of your business, Elliott!"

Mirage laughed. "Ah, I knew it! You have a crush on him! Did you two have your cute little snuggle yet?"

(Y/N) was beyond flustered. "Sh-Shut up, Bloodhound simp! A-And even if the answer was yes, what's it to you?"

It was Elliott's turn to blush. "What? I'm not a simp for them! Not at all friendo! I mean yeah, their voice is sexy as hell and I want to see their face which is most likely more attractive than mine- but that's not important right now!" Mirage panicked, "Aaaaanyways, of course I would care! You're my friend after all! Wanna make sure you don't end up dating a psychopath or something!" The trickster replied to (Y/N)'s question.

"I'm really starting to question our friendship..." (Y/N) muttered, luckily not loud enough for Mirage to hear.

"Besides that? Where is the murderbot anyways? In his room having a dream about marrying you?~" The holographic trickster was relentless with his teasing towards his friend.

Elliott had much curiousity concerning the whereabouts of the simulacrum. Most of the legends were already told a lie about where he went from (Y/N), but they didn't want to lie once again.

They looked down, with the subtle sadness in their eyes. "He's gone. I witness his death before myself. Revenant will come back, but he won't remember me..."

Elliott stayed quiet as he listened to his friend. He felt bad for them. Although Mirage dislikes, and even fears the synthetic nightmare, he knows that (Y/N) loves him. It was crystal clear to most legends, well, the ones that had a full understanding of love, at least.

"Ehhhhh, uh- What about that scarf? Is it cozy? Looks cozy to me! And is that...blood on his scarf?" Elliott started a new conversation to get (Y/N)'s mind of the suicide of Revenant.

Truly a great decision for the trickster to make. He was a good friend.

(Y/N) smiled. Not a mischievous grin, or even an evil smirk, but a happy, warm smile, something that was etremely rare. They decided to go along with the new conversation.

"Yeah, I like it. It feels...calming to wear. And I honestly don't mind the blood." They mentioned.

"And...yeah, I love him..." (Y/N) finally admitted.

Mirage had the hugest grin on his face. "OH YEAH! My ship! I love it! It's sailing!" The man started cheering with joy. He wanted to tell Wraith about this so she could begin writing the fanfictions. She had already written plenty of Cryptane fanfictions, after all!

(Y/N) would normally find this to be annoying, but they instead giggled softly. Then their thoughts went back to Revenant.

I want to see you again.

The simulacrum was back into the place he hated the most in the entire outlands, or in this case, Olympus.

Hammond Labs.

Oh, how much he hated this place. Hammond Robotics was the very reason he couldn't die, after all.

But being here was a good sign. It meant he was one step closer to finding (Y/N).

Now all Revenant would have to do is wait for the dropship.

Or wait until he must save them...

But who knows when that will be? Considering that Revenant has been gone for 2 weeks, the dropship may not even GO to Olympus. It could take forever.

But Revenant had to hope it would work out in his favor, so he could once again see the love of his life, and apologize to them.

"Oh (Y/N) sweet, beautiful (Y/N)...I won't lose you again..." Revenant said quietly to himself.

Never again...

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