Part 24- what just happened?

Start from the beginning

By the time we had actually cleaned everything up the timer went off to signal that our pizza was done. I took it out and it looked really good and it smelt really good too, I grabbed my pizza cutter and sliced the pizza up and we shared it while watching the office on Netflix.

After lunch we had to leave for the airport thats when the fun was sucked out of the day. The mood changed from an enjoyable to a melancholic day where it felt like you were saying goodbye to a part of your life that you didn't want to move on from. I was sad genuinely, as much as I haven't know Alex long we've made so many memories together and we've become so close that I would consider him one of my best friends one that I want to keep for my lifetime.

I loaded his suitcase into my car and we started the drive to the airport, we listened to music which lightened the mood a little bit. We sung our hearts out to the songs that played including my favourite song.

"Has anyone ever told you that your singing is beautiful because if not I'm going to tell you now you sound amazing" he said

"No one has ever told me that but thank you" I said

"You should sing more you're so good" he told me

"I might do something on stream but I don't know" I replied

We talked more about plans for a karaoke stream in the next week or two which seems like fun, he said he would help me get some other people involved so it wasn't just the two of us.

By the time we had planned the stream we had made it to the airport. I found a spot to park the car and we got out so I could walk into the airport with Alex and say goodbye there. Before we got very far Alex stopped me from walking towards the airport.

He had hold of my arm but he soon moved his arms to go round my waist, we were facing one another with our faces extremely close to each other. My face was definitely bright red but Alex's face also had a pink tinge over his cheeks. We stared into each other's eyes before Alex moved closer closing the gap between us even further but stopped a few inches from my face.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked

"Of course" I replied

He closed those last few inches so that our lips met. The feeling was magical I felt sparks in the pit of my stomach and my lips tingled from the sensation of his lips on mine. His lips were soft against mine it was like I was kissing a cloud.

Alex's POV

I have to do it. I can't just leave without kissing her it will feel like I've wasted an opportunity. Y/n went to walk towards the airport but I grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to me so that our bodies were almost touching and I put my arms around her waist. I moved my face closer to hers leaving a few inches in between us before asking if it was ok to kiss her because I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.

Once she agreed I put my lips on hers and within a split second a rush of feelings came over me, the kiss was electric I felt all of the feelings I have for her come to the front of my head and I remembered how much I've wanted to do this for so long.

The kiss was like nothing I've experienced before it felt like there was true long lasting feelings behind it I just hope y/n felt the same way or all of this would be for nothing and I would feel like an idiot.

Your POV

After a few seconds the both of us pulled away with ridiculously huge smiles on our faces. From the look on Alex's face I could tell he felt the same way about the kiss as I did, he continued to hold me close to him.

"That was amazing" I said

"Yeah. I've been wanting to do that for so long you don't even understand" he replied

"I wanted this to happen too" I said

He pulled me into a super tight hug and gave me another quick kiss before we walked towards the airport. While walking we talked about where this goes now, I want this to be something but I'm also not ready to put a label on it because we haven't know each other that long.

"I'm willing to commit to this but I don't want to label it just yet I think it's a bit too soon" I said

"I'm ok with that as long as your happy I'm alright" he said

We left it at that, the both of us committed to making this work and to having it develop but for now we aren't calling it anything. We have our special thing which is Alex keeps calling it and I like that, its special to us.

We got into the airport and to the point where I had to say goodbye to him, I wanted to be sad but I was still so happy from the kiss that my smile never faded. We spent a good few minutes just holding each other in an extremely tight hug before letting go. Alex gave me one last kiss before he walked off to go and check in and them off to security where I couldn't see him anymore.

Wow today has been interesting.

Authors note: it finally happened guys. I really hope you like this part I spent ages thinking about it and getting it just right so if you could vote on it that would mean the world to me.

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