Chapter 1

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I adjusted the collar on my Dolce and Gabana see-through raincoat, walked in to the doors of William McKinley Highschool and moved my bangs to the side. I kept my head held high and my normal posture was as it's best as I walked down the hall in my Prada boots. I looked to my left and saw Mercedez, one of my best glee club friends from last year. I gave her a little wave with the arm holding my Alexander McQueen handbag. I was a little upset that I had to leave Dalton Academy, but my dad could'nt afford to pay tuition for me anymore.((My allowance for couture didn't really help with that)) I was dating Blaine and we were happier than ever. I looked down at my iPhone which vibrated in my pocket. "Courage <3" The message read. It was from Blaine, he was so concerned about me coming back since the Karofsky fiasco last year. I was scared too, I half hoped that I wouldn't see him at all this year, even though I knew that it would be impossible. I Put my phone in my pocket and looked up quickly to see one of the jocks standing in front of me menacingly holding a bright blue slushie.

"No...." I pleaded, "This is D&G, it was $700 and i am not letting it get ruin-"

I was cut off by the familiar chill of cold slushie hitting my face. It slid off my jacket since it was plastic, but the rest of my outfit was ruined. I should have known to wear the less expensive outfit first and bring a change of clothes like i did last year. I felt the cup hit my head as the jock laughed at me and walked away, i opened my eyes and the juice burned it a little, but the sugar and artificial coloring was bad for my skin so i rushed to the restroom.

I wiped off the Jacket with paper towels and removed my sweater, leaving me in just my white under-shirt which also had blue stains on it. So i removed that as well, cold and and shivering, i wiped off my chest  and placed the sweater under the hot running water.

Suddenly the door swung open and I stared in horror as Karofsky stood in front of me, i could tell he was staring at me. I swallowed hard and my heart raced, i could feel his eyes burning holes in my back as i turned around and continued to wash my shirt and sweater.

"Hey homo, you decided to come back huh?" He spat.

To terrified to reply, i continued washing my sweater.

"I'm glad  because now...." , He walked up to me and leaned his hand on the wall beside me, "I get to see you more.." He whispered in my ear.

My heart was racing and I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, i quickly grabbed my coat and slipped my soaking sweater over my head, I just wanted to get away from him. I started to walk away quickly but he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me against his chest, I whimpered as he looked me in the eyes.

"Please let me go." I said strongly and sternly, Blaine's message of courage running through my head."I'm not afraid of you anymore!"I growled.He pushed me against the wall and i fell to the ground, and he walked out, staring at me the whole time. I pulled my knees up into my chest and sobbed for what seemed like forever, but really was only ten minutes. Thank god no one came into the restroom while I was like this. I stood up and examined my reflection. "Dear god..What have you done to yourself?" I said examining my face. My hair was just..EVERYWHERE, and my eyes were red and puffy. I got to work combing and using creams and eyedrops to sooth my eyes.I examined my reflection."Good as new.." I whispered. Though the hatered of Karofsky's stare will always haunt me... Ever since that day he kissed me and then threatened to kill me if I told anyone, I've been terrified to even come withtin 100 feet of this school let alone go inside. The rest of the school day was just like it was before, I got an exited scream/hug from all the glee girls, and a big bear hug from all the jocks. (Except for Puck, from whom I received a toss in the dumpster, thus making me have to take a second trip to the restroom to wash my clothes.) It was time for glee club and I was happier than I could ever be, Of course Mr. Schuester would let me join again, I mean why wouldn't he let my beautiful soprano voice back into glee club? They needed me and I could tell because I saw one of their performances after I left. I heard that Lauren girl left already and I knew they needed a spot filled. I walked in and applause filled the room as i did a little curtsy.

"Hello everyone, did you miss me?" I said moving my bangs to the side, and smiling bigger than I ever have.

I was home..

Everything's Comin' Up Kurt (Gleefic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ