Chapter 15 : Hospital

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Chapter 15


Riker POV

It felt so good to play hockey with Ross. I actually felt happy. I was in fresh air with nobody sick around me. I felt safe.

And it just felt good to be back on the ice again. And I didn't fall through.

But by the time we went back to the cabin, it was getting dark, and I was kind of sore from shoveling and playing hockey all day.

"So what are we doing for dinner?" Ross asked.

"I guess we have to go back to the gas station. Unless you want to eat cereal for dinner. But my legs are really sore."

"Then we can just have cereal."

I got out the cereal and then went outside to get the milk. I poured my cereal and then went to pour my milk, but nothing came out.

"Um... I think the milk is frozen," I said, laughing a little.

"Oh... We can just wait for it to melt then," Ross said, laughing too.

"It might be a while."

"That's fine. I'm not too hungry yet. You should go take a warm bath since you're sore."

"Ok. Are you just going to chill here then?"

"Yeah. I'm actually really tired from last night, so I might just take a nap until you're done."

"Ok. Then I'm going to go run upstairs and get pjs for both of us, and then get in the bath."

"Ok. Wake me up when you're out and we'll see if the milk is thawed yet."



Ross POV



"Are you almost done?"

"Uh... I don't know. Why?"

"I'm hungry. And just so you know, Rocky isn't doing good. Dad came home, but Rocky is still in the hospital."

"Why? What's going on?"

"Dad said he's still throwing up and coughing and just having a hard time breathing."

Riker groaned.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm stressed."

"Come on. Get out and let's have dinner."

"I don't want to get out. Eat dinner without me."

"Riker, I'm not letting you not eat."

"Well I'm not done with my bath. I'm not relaxed yet."


I checked the milk and it was half thawed now. I made 2 bowls of cereal and then went to go deliver one of them to Riker.

"Hey!" Riker said, pulling the shower curtain to cover himself.

"You're eating dinner, even if you have to eat it in the bath," I said, handing it to him.


He took the bowl and started eating.

"Is dad going back to check on Rocky?" Riker asked.

"No. Mom is going to visit him in the morning."


I got my bowl of cereal and then sat on the bathroom floor so I could eat with Riker.

"Are you still sore?" I asked.

"Yeah. My legs hurt."

"Oh, dad said thanks for shoveling the driveway."

"Good. At least my soreness isn't for nothing."

We finished our cereal and Riker got out of the bath. We were both really tired out from today, so we curled up on the couch next to each other with some blankets.

"Are we just going to stay down here and live like this until everybody gets better?" I asked.

"Yeah. It would be the safest thing to do. I'm just worried about Rocky."

"Why? I'm sure he'll be fine."

"It's just that I thought if we all got the virus, me, mom, and dad would be the ones that got it the worst because mom and dad are older and I'm... Well I don't know what's wrong with me. But I thought if any of you guys got it, you would be fine since you're all young and healthy and whatever. It's just weird."

"I get what you're saying, but some people just get a bad case of it, that's all."

"I know. I'm just worried. Rocky rarely ever gets super sick like this."

"I know. But he's at the hospital. They'll make sure he's fine."

"I just wish we had internet so I could text him and ask him how he's doing."

"I think we all wish we had internet. Everyone is super bored just laying in bed all day. Rydel and Ryland were playing cards earlier."

"How do you know?"

"I heard them playing Go Fish."


"Maybe we could convince dad to get internet. Especially since Rocky's in the hospital. If something happens, the hospital isn't going to be able to contact us because we don't have cell service."

"That's a good point. We can try asking dad tomorrow."

"Ok. I'm getting really tired."

"Me too."

I shut off the lamp next to the couch. Riker and I curled up and fell asleep.

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