Chapter 5 : Tired

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Chapter 5

The next day...    

Riker POV

Dad went out before we all woke up and went to the store to get us breakfast. I was so glad because he sanitized the groceries. I didn't have to worry about eating fast food that might have germs on it.

After I had breakfast, I felt a million times better. We helped unpack the van and bring everything inside, and then we unpacked our clothes and stuff.

Basically the basement was where we put all of our instruments and music stuff, the main floor was the kitchen and living room, and then upstairs was mom and dad's bedroom and the loft where me and my siblings sleep. 

And the only reason anyone should have to leave the house is for groceries.

The only bad thing is that we don't have cell service or internet. So we need to play games or our instruments and make our own fun. 

Honestly, I was just really tired today. Not eating anything yesterday and unpacking just tired me out.

I curled up on the couch with a blanket and closed my eyes. I could hear mom cooking dinner in the kitchen, so I just listened to that until I fell asleep.


Riker POV

"Hey. Dinnertime. Wake up."

I opened my eyes and saw Ross standing next to the couch.

"Mom made soup. Come on."

I sat up and rubbed my eyes a little. And then I went to the kitchen and sat down at the table.

"So tell me what you guys did today," mom said.

"Ross and I played in the snow and had a snowball fight," Ryland said.

"Yeah, and we went for a walk down the road and saw a frozen lake that would be perfect for playing hockey on! We should've brought our hockey stuff!" Ross said.

"Make a list of everything you want from home, and I'll drive back home and get what you guys want," dad said.

"You'd really drive all the way home and all the way back?" Ross asked.

"Yeah. It looks like we're going to be here for a while. I had the radio on, and things are not looking good in California. I think we're going to be stuck here for a while, and I know hockey is a big part of your lives, so I think it would be a good thing for you guys to do while we're here. Since we don't have internet and we're not playing shows, it's important for you guys to find things to do."

"Can you bring a bunch of movies? The movies we have here are all Christmas movies," Rydel said.

"Sure. Make a list of everything you guys want," dad said.

Movies were actually a really good idea. We have a TV and a DVD player so we can watch movies at least.

"You should bring our video games too!" Ryland said.

"Are we still going to be homeschooled?" Rocky asked.

"Of course you are. You're not getting out of any of your tests," mom said.

"Just checking," Rocky said.


Riker POV

Dad made a fire in the stove because it was kind of cold in here. I was curled up on the couch again with a blanket. Everyone else was in the kitchen playing a card game except dad, who was sitting next to me, reading a book. 

I'm just wondering how long we're going to be at the cabin and I'm worried I'm going to be bored. It's just that my siblings are still in school, so they have assignments and tests and books to read. And I don't have anything because I graduated last year. 

I'm also worried that we're all going to want to kill each other since we're all stuck at the cabin together and nobody is really leaving.

I'm just worried about a lot of things.

"Riker, we're starting a new game. Do you want to join?" Ross asked.

"No. I'm too tired."


"Why are you so tired?" Dad asked.

"It was just a long day and I'm anxious..."

I curled into dad's side and pulled my blanket up higher.

"So head to bed. You don't have to wait for everyone else to go to bed."


I brought my blanket upstairs and curled up in my bed. I could still hear everyone playing their game, but it was a little bit quieter because I was upstairs now.

I just wish the virus would go away.

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