Chapter 6 : Secret plan

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A/N : I went back and watched Rydel's cabin tour on YouTube for inspiration for this fanfic haha...

Chapter 6

The next day...      

Riker POV

So dad went to the store again today because yesterday he just got enough food for the day, and then we could write requests on the shopping list. So of course I was anxious about him getting the virus or bringing the virus home on the groceries. But he's going to sanitize them before bringing them inside, so...

"Riker, your doctor left you a message," dad said, walking in the door.

"What did he say?"

"He said he still doesn't know what's wrong with you and he wants you to come in so he can take a look at your heart. So when I drive back home to get the hockey gear and everything else, you can come with me and go to the doctor's."

I instantly felt super anxious. 

Dad started sanitizing the groceries. I'm dreading going home. More gas station bathrooms, fast food, and the doctor's...

And I hate that he still doesn't know what's wrong with me! What if I have some condition that's just getting worse and worse because I'm not getting treated for it?

I hate this whole situation.

"Riker, we're going for a walk. Want to come?" Rydel asked.

"I guess..."

I got up and put on my coat and boots and then followed my siblings outside. We had a tree fort, and Ross decided we should go up and sit up there.

"I think we should pull an all nighter tonight," Ross said.

"And do what?" Rydel asked.

"Play games, eat snacks, and we could even sneak out and go down to the lake. It's frozen and it would be really cool to walk on it at night," Rocky said.

"Are you sure the ice is thick enough?" Rydel asked.

"Yeah. As long as we don't jump on it, it should be fine," Rocky said.

"Mom and dad said to make our own fun, so even if we get caught, we're literally doing what they said," Ross said.

"We need to be sneaky about it though," Ryland said.

"Yeah, we need to sneak some snacks and games up to the loft before bedtime. And then we need to pretend we're asleep until mom and dad fall asleep," Ross said.

"This is going to be so much fun. You ok, Riker?" Rocky asked.

"I'm just scared of going to the doctor's again," I said, quietly.

"You'll be fine. Do you want me to come with you?" Rocky asked.

"Would you?"

"Sure. If it will make you feel better."

"Ok. Thanks, Rocky."

"Are we going for a walk, or did you just want to plan out our all nighter?" Rydel asked.

"I just wanted to plan our all nighter without mom and dad hearing. You know they don't like us doing stuff like this. And you know they would kill us if they caught us going down to the lake in the middle of the night," Ross said.

"They're just scared we'll get eaten by bears or something," Ryland said.

"We'll be fine. Now let's go back inside. We can start trying to sneak snacks and games up to the loft. Hide them under your beds," Rocky said.


Riker POV

It's like being anxious just makes you tired all the time. I was curled up on the couch with a blanket, watching my siblings sneak something up to the loft every now and then.

I was kind of excited for our all nighter, but also just really tired and worried we would get caught.

I just need to try to stop thinking about the virus and have fun. Maybe if I can get my mind off of it, I'll be less anxious and less tired.

I saw Ross waving at me from the loft. I looked up at him, confused.

"Come here," he whispered.

I got up and went up to the loft.

"Help me organize everything," Ross whispered.

He had pulled everything out from under everyone's beds. We had a bunch of games, snacks, and flashlights.

"We're putting all the snacks under Rydel's bed," he said, pushing the pile of snacks towards me.

I pushed them underneath Rydel's bed.

"And the games go under Rocky's bed," he said, pushing the games toward me.

I put the games under Rocky's bed.

"And we're each hiding a flashlight under our pillows," Ross said, handing me a flashlight.

I put my flashlight under my pillow. We could've just used our phone flashlights, but mom took all of our phones since we don't have cell service or internet, and she wants us to make our own fun and not be on our phones.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Ross whispered.

"Yeah. I might need a nap first though. I'm just tired."

"Ok. Take a nap before dinner."

I got into my bed and curled up.

"I'll wake you up when dinner is ready," Ross said, going downstairs.

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