Chapter 4 : The drive

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Chapter 4


Riker POV

"Bro. We've been driving since 4:00 this morning. And it's almost noon. We still have like 10 more hours of driving until we get to the cabin. You're not going to make it until then," Rocky said.

I had to pee so bad because I didn't want to go into a gas station bathroom. I had my legs crossed super tight but the bumpiness of the road was not helping my situation.

"I just don't want to use a gas station bathroom. It's probably filled with germs," I said, crossing my legs tighter.

"Would you rather pee yourself and sit in wet pants for 10 hours? Because that's what's going to happen if you don't use the gas station bathroom."

"No. I don't want to do either."

"Well we're stopping at a gas station in like 10 minutes. And I would suggest you come in."

Rocky handed me a mask and a pair of gloves. I put them on, but I'm not happy about this.

When we got to the gas station, Rocky practically dragged me out of the van.

"Everybody let Riker go first. He's about to pee himself," Rocky said.

I followed Rocky into the gas station and we found the bathroom.

"Come with me. I'm scared," I said, nervously.

Rocky opened the bathroom door for me and locked it.

"Why are you scared?"

"I just don't want to touch anything."

I used the bathroom and then went straight back to the van, not wanting to be in the gas station for longer than I needed to. I sanitized my hands and waited for everyone else to get back to the van.

"Ok, so where should we stop for lunch?" Dad asked.

My stomach dropped.

"I don't care. Just somewhere that sells burgers," Ryland said.

"Yeah, I want fries," Rydel said.

"Alright. I'll look for a place," dad said, starting to drive.

"Feel better now?" Rocky asked.

"Well yeah, but I don't want to eat anything. There could be germs on it."

"Riker, it's food. They cook it."

"Yeah well after it's cooked, they could cough on it or something!"

"Riker. You're worrying way too much."

"I could die, Rocky."

"Boys. Enough," dad said.

I crossed my arms, annoyed. 

We got to a fast food place and dad started asking everyone what they wanted. 

"Riker, what do you want?"

"Nothing. I'm not eating anything."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Ok. Then you can't complain if you're hungry later."


Dad ordered what everyone wanted. Everything smelled so good and it was making me hungry, but I'm not eating anything. I'm too scared. One of my siblings could get sick with it from eating that food and then give it to me. I'm super scared of that too.

I curled into Rocky's side and shut my eyes. I just feel so anxious.

"Bro, you're fine," Rocky said, putting his arm around me.

"No. I'm scared," I said, softly.

"Just relax."


Riker POV

Rocky made me use another gas station bathroom, which I absolutely hated. By the time we got to our cabin, it was night and I felt extremely weak and sick from not eating all day. My stomach and my head hurt and I felt shaky.

There was snow on the ground here and ice too. I held onto Rocky's arm so I wouldn't slip because I was so shaky.

"Alright, kids. Go upstairs and get some sleep. We'll unpack and then get breakfast in the morning," dad said.

"Rocky, can you please get my suitcase?" I asked.

"Why? Dad said we'll unpack in the morning."

"Because I want to take a shower and get all the germs off."


"Rocky, please? I'm never going to be able to go to sleep if I don't take a shower."


Rocky went back out and got my suitcase for me. He helped me up the stairs too because I was scared I would be too shaky and fall.

I got a change of clothes and then got in the shower. I started feeling super dizzy from not eating. I tried to distract myself from the feeling, but the next thing I knew, I was on my back in the bathtub and my head really hurt.


I couldn't tell who it was, but someone was knocking on the door and calling my name.

I heard the bathroom door open and then the shower curtain was pulled open. And I saw Rocky.

"Are you ok!?"

"My head really hurts," I said, trying to sit up.

Rocky shut off the water and helped me sit up. I still felt super dizzy.

"You didn't eat all day, Riker. I know you're scared but you still have to eat."

"No. We don't have any food here anyways, so I can't."

"Did you shower?"

"No. I only got my hair wet."

"Ok, well you're not finishing your shower. You need to get some sleep."

"No! I need to wash the germs off!"

"Riker, you just fell and hit your head from being dizzy from not eating. You're not showering tonight."

"Rocky, I need to."

"No, you don't."

"I won't be able to fall asleep! I'll be too anxious."

"Fine. We'll compromise. You can take a bath, but I'm supervising you in case you pass out. I don't need you to drown."


Rocky turned on the water for me again and got me a cup so I could fill it with water and rinse the shampoo out of my hair. Once I was done, I stood up and felt super dizzy again all of a sudden. Rocky grabbed my arm to make sure I wouldn't fall.

The wave of dizziness passed and I got dressed. And then Rocky and I got in our beds, which were next to each other in the loft part of the cabin.

"Do you feel ok?" Rocky whispered, since everyone else was asleep.

"I just feel sick and weak and shaky," I whispered back.

"I'm going to get you some water, ok?"

"Ok. Thanks."

Rocky snuck downstairs and got me a glass of water from the kitchen. I drank it and felt a tiny bit better.

"Are you going to eat breakfast tomorrow?" Rocky whispered.

"I don't know. I'm just scared, Rocky."

"Well I don't think anyone in Colorado has the virus yet. So you should be safe. Seriously, bro. You need to eat tomorrow."


"Wake me up if you need anything, ok?"

"Ok. Thanks, Rocky."

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